War Pigs


i don't promote war in any way, but I certainly hope that our American and British forces are successful in their missions and i support them while they're out there. I think most everyone agrees that Saddam NEEDS to be taken out of power, but have different views on just HOW to do it. It isn't going to be easy to keep civilian casualties low (thanks for the help saddam) but i certainly hope there aren't heavy civilian losses. I hope this war ends quickly and successfully so that the troops can return home, and for those in Iraq. If i believed in a god i'd prolly pray for em.

and i don't think this war is ALL about oil....but i am CERTAIN that it is most likely a perk of the war atleast. Most people say its idiotic to think so, because America gets its oil from Venezuela and some other countries (i can't remember which). I think this war is more like taking out 2 birds with 1 stone....because i'm sure we'll most likely use their oil while we are occupying Iraq after the war.
it's not in Serbia. Kosovo is Kosovo. Serbia is Serbia. he was a junkie....
to you who don't know for the lack of interest, enough said.
they were not new, they were old, just put in one country. Southern Slavs without Bulgarians though. if you knew that there are three groups of Slavs: Western, Eastern and Southern. and so on..... and the wheel is spinning..... the hamster will get a heart attack.
Tee: how are the americans supposed to know where kossovo is ?
their tv channels didnt show anything about the war there... it was another "peace campaign by killing"
perhaps someone has to tell them how their "smart bombs " were falling on busses ..with people in , and stuff.
but ok these were some just accidents right?
ok, if i were President, out of spite i would make a treaty with Iraq where we wouldnt attack each other and then Saddam would come after you all one by one and yet even then everyone owould call
America the bad guy in it all cuz we didnt help, and i can assure you that after we are done with Iraq, North Korea will be next, so calm down, we are helping protect the world from that man, if not, he would go after one of us at some point....
raises hand...though you could be arrested for stretching your arm here...yeah Belgians aided there too or at least in Ex-Yougoslavia.
no, Kosovo used to be Serbia. centuries ago. Kosovo is Kosovo and it's poblated with Albanians, plus some Serbians.
"OK, children, don't be shy" (Mr. Garrison)
I could tell you stories........... once upon a time..... jesus fuckin' wiz... :lol:
IOfTheStorm, hear-hear.
Narrot- A+
and you all know that Yugoslavia still does exist, right? :)