warlock input jack


Bassist for Bedlam Galore
Nov 7, 2006

every time i play guitar (bc rich warlock), i hear a kinda shrill tone out of the amp when i move the cable near the input jack on my guitar.
what could it be?

Hi Mary,

Wow, 16 people looked at this before me, and no one else jumped in to help? Shaaaame on all of you!:lol:

Could be either the input jack is twisted out of reach of the cable itself, or the cable has a crimp in the wire, and the cable is now shorting out. I would take the guitar in to a repairman, and play it through an amp they have in their shop, and see if it happens with a different cable. If the sound is not heard with a different cable, then it's your cable. If it is heard with a different cable, then it's your input jack, and the repairman can suss it out accordingly and fix it. Usually turning the jack back around, so the "L" inside the jack is catching the cable again, or re-soldering wires that may have come loose, or just replacing the entire input jack, if need be.

Hope this helps, and that you're still jamming away!:headbang::headbang::headbang:
thank you for the fast answer steve!

i've had this problem with different cables, so i think it's something with the input jack itself.
i'll definately take it to a guitar shop soon.

yes, i'm still jamming, just started again after a long break.
started playing bass last year and had a surgery on my right hand a couple weeks ago, everything's fine now i'm glad to be back on guitar! :kickass:
Hi Mary,

Cool, glad to hear you've got everything sorted with the guitar!

Bass guitar? That's cool, always good to learn this as well!

Glad to hear the hand surgery was a success, and that you're back to jamming now!:headbang::headbang::headbang:
the input jack problem is solved, but now there's another one: the strings.
yesterday i broke the high E string (dunlop 10-46), bought a new set today (ernie ball 10-46) and i just broke the high E string again! :Smug: :lol:
is there any difference in those and thicker strings? are thicker ones even better?