'Warning: Explicit Language'


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
I've always wondered why you can find this sticker on Damnation. Are the people who categorize CDs so narrowminded that they will instantly assume anything related to metal is explicit? Maybe Mike slipped in an f-bomb somewhere and I can't hear it. What's the deal?
Opeth never swear, they're too classy.

Its ironic that they put the sticker on Dammnation considering its their 'least likely to offend' album
That's what I don't get. What's explicit about Opeth's lyrics? Ok, at times they get fairly morbid and personal, but I'd hardly call it 'explicit'. Not to the extent of Eminem who swears simply because its a staplemark of his over-produced, over-hyped trendy bullshit.

Is it simply because they are metal? Is there some expectation that if they are 'Progressive Death' that their lyrics are offensive?
The sticker could be in reguard to the actual content in the lyrics. Which if found to be too as someone said morbid or blasphemous, then it could bare the label. But with Damnation that seems to be a false accusation.
...or it could be some kid who went round taking all the stickers off and putting it on other albums
Hmmm...I just thought ----

Right before he goes, "And you were just like them all, stained by the name of father....I'm greeted by downward fall, yah ya yahhh ya yahh, yeah."
It sounds like he says "FUCK, the [nucleus of joy*]"

*He said this

BTW, would that be the nucleus of a radiating Uranium-237 atom by chance? I mean I personally don't think so...but, ....ahhh screw it
do all Opeth albums carry those stickers in Australia? if at all, Still Life deserves one, as some parts of Serenity Painted Death are quite violent, I think
wherever you bought Damnation at, was there a warning on each copy? I've never seen that myself :OMG: sounds strange lol