Warped guitar neck...


Sinister Haven \m/
Jul 13, 2009
UK, Islington
I'm not sure if it is, but when I got this guitar - http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/72466

I didn't have any serious buzzing at any of the frets, but recently I put a 72 bass string, and 52 string on it and tuned them down to F#. The rest of the strings were from a standard set of 9's ernie ball strings.

But my problem is, Now I've set it back up in standard tuning since I got my 7 string, but on the low E string, I've had terrible buzzing on the first 3 frets... the only way I am able to stop it being terrible is by setting the action incredibly high, so high it makes it hard to play...

Does this mean my guitar neck has warped? It doesn't really look warped, but its hard to tell when its got strings on, and my eye sight isn't the best :D

Is there a certain way to test to see if the neck has warped? When I had the strings on, they weren't tight because of the low tuning it was in, so i wouldn't have thought they would warp it, but this buzzing never was there before :(

Also, although the guitar is pretty cheap, it was my first more "serious" guitar, and its my only 6 string now, so i'd like to keep it, but this problem is really fucking me off :mad:
Yeah if the whole neck was buzzing it random spots I'd be worried. usually the first few frets is a sign of a slight bend due to bad truss adjustment.
Sounds like the infamous "Korea hump"..
Its a phenomenon that causes the upper frets to rise, but not the rest of the guitar.. i dont know exactly why, but i am guessing it has to do with their placement of the trussrod.
Its fixable, but it will cost you more then a new guitar if this is the case.

BUT dont get to scared, because it might as well be a worn nut, faulty trussrod adjustment or an overall bad setup.
Take it in to a shop, and dont say anything more then that the top frets are buzzing(You dont want to get screwed on more money then necessary.).
I'm not sure if it is, but when I got this guitar - http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/72466

Does this mean my guitar neck has warped? It doesn't really look warped, but its hard to tell when its got strings on, and my eye sight isn't the best :D

Is there a certain way to test to see if the neck has warped? When I had the strings on, they weren't tight because of the low tuning it was in, so i wouldn't have thought they would warp it, but this buzzing never was there before :(

Could be humidity or just time for the neck to bounce back on its own after a change in tension . + you may have damaged the grooves in the nut as mentioned .
Leave it in the desired tuning for a couple more days and try again.
Ive straightened out a few necks in my time ,the best way to test the neck is to remove all the strings and adjust the truss rod until the neck is as straight as you can get it and then use an engineers ruler (normally about 61 cm long) to see if there are any dips or humps . The worst case is that its twisted which is not fixable .
If you can see dips and humps with it strung up then it could just need truss adjustment if that doesnt change things a fret dress , re fret or finger board dress / re fret .