WARRANT Guitarist Challenges SCOTT IAN To A Duel...Sort Of

I don't care if they're a cheesey hair band from the 80's or not, Joey Allen is actually one helluva guitar player
this guy is a douche bag. fisrt he talks a bunch of shit about jani lane then, he's out there playing all the songs the guy wrote to make a little cash.

here are some good quotes from this interview

We’ve got maybe one hundred and fifty shows under our belts and maybe two or three of them sucked.
well i hope the people who saw the shows that "sucked" got their money back but, probably not. "hey we sucked tonight sorry" lmao

We were being kinda brow-beaten by being some sort of Pop Metal band and we weren’t. …Yeah, there were some Pop songs, but I’d like to remember Warrant from songs like “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, “Sure Feels Good” and “Machine Gun”, ya know?
yeah those are some pretty heavy duty tunes, i had a hard time teasing my hair to those tunes. unfortunatly most people who want to remember warrant (why oh god why) want to remember your puss ass songs like cherry pie and heaven.

my favoriet one
We basically do weekends. All through the summer, we play Thursday, Friday and Saturday or Friday, Saturday and Sunday gigs and then we’re home during the week to tend to our personal lives and other businesses.
yeah i can't make enough money jamming fuill time so i still work my regular job during the week :lol:

and to scott....
All I gotta say is dude, have you ever even had a Gold record? Have you ever had people like your music that much? If you did, you might not be as bitter.”
dude have you personally ever written a hit song , umm nope.

he might be a great guiratist (i don't think so) but his whole music carrer right now is hanging on by songs somebody who isn't in the band anymore wrote 20 years ago. some poeple's egos are still as big as their 80's hair doos

Because I wasn’t there, it’s what I lovingly refer to as Warrant’s Spinal Tap years.”

oh i thought these were your spinal tap years. watch out for that stone hendge monument.
Shoudn't Joey Allen be calling out Charlie instead? Doesn't Charlie write most of the guitar parts for Thrax anyway?
fah-q said:
Shoudn't Joey Allen be calling out Charlie instead? Doesn't Charlie write most of the guitar parts for Thrax anyway?
NOBODY in Warrant should be calling out anybody until they get their own shit together as a band! I almost hate to admit this here, but...I've actually been to a Warrant concert. Well, actually they opened for Motley Crue(I hope that restores a little of my cred:lol: ) They weren't too bad, but nothing really special, and they're a long way from being that good now!
MikeyBong said:
NOBODY in Warrant should be calling out anybody until they get their own shit together as a band! I almost hate to admit this here, but...I've actually been to a Warrant concert. Well, actually they opened for Motley Crue(I hope that restores a little of my cred:lol: ) They weren't too bad, but nothing really special, and they're a long way from being that good now!
MikeyBong- Don't feel bad about having gone to see Warrant. While trying to keep things going with an ex, I actually went to a Melissa Etheridge concert. Matthew Sweet opened for her and believe it or not, he rocked. Etheridge was pretty good too. Never have I seen so many overweight women in overalls groping each other.
AlexStomp said:
The only Warrant song I know is Cherry Pie and I jacked off so many times to that video in 8th grade.

Hahaha!! Yeah, take that Scott Ian! Bet no one's EVER jacked off to an Anthrax video!!


Oh, wait.... Confessions anyone?
Crabmeat said:
Oh, wait.... Confessions anyone?

Yeah... I've seen Melissa Etheridge in concert three times back in the day. (I guess I was the token male in the crowd; went to two of the shows with a friend of mine who, at the time, said she was gay - haven't talked to her for over a decade.) Melissa does put on a great show, even though the last time I saw her perform was in 1992.
AlexStomp said:
The only Warrant song I know is Cherry Pie and I jacked off so many times to that video in 8th grade.

Me to, I think it was like 6th grade for me. Anyway, now when I hear that song I get an erretions. Viva Pavlos Dog.
3Storms said:
Anthrax has several platinum records, don't they?
I don't THINK Anthrax have had a platinum album but I know they've had several gold. "Speak English or Die" went platinum (it took like 15 years but it still counts!) so Scott & Charlie do have one under their belt.