Warrel Ridicules Chuck


Mar 23, 2003
Clifton, NJ
Did that TITLE grab your attention?

The interview in which Warrel and I had some laughs over the tumor was shot on video, and I am going to make it available on vhs (and possibly dvd) - along with King Diamond, Cannibal Corpse, Sharlee D'Angelo, GWAR, and Peter Steele. Am mere ten bucks and it's yours.

I also completed a documentary about death metal. - ten bucks - available now on vhs, and it will be on dvd in 3 weeks. www.thegrimoire.com

oh yeah, the interview with Warrel is archived in text form on the site. It was a lot of fun
BillZebub, you are the man, im going to try to read all your interviews by the end of this weekend!. The Anal Cunt interview is a little fucked up and I can't say I agree with the little cunt, but the Sharlee one is funny, so is the Nevermore interview.

Even though Warrel wanted you to shut the fuck up about Chuck, he didn't slam him hah.