Warrel's Weakest Vocal performance


New Metal Member
Apr 27, 2006
I put in enemies of reality(da remixz), and noticed some very flawed vocal performances. Usually his imperfections are what are so ingenues, but didn't really work on some of eor. The flawed moments were some dry(little to no effects) vocal lines on ambivalent, create the Infinite. I don't have the original anymore, but I wonder if these were some of the lost vocal tracks or maybe they originally had some effects on it. I have to say Andy should have thrown at least a little more reverb maybe some delay on these parts. The parts still seemed a bit outta place. Before this turns into a sandwich thread I was wondering what some of you thought especially some of warrel's after thoughts on the subject.

At least he stepped his game up on tge.
Well, I think a lot of it could have to do with what kind of sandwiches he was eating during writing and recording. Different sandwiches summon different moods, which summon different vocal stylings.

For example, a simple turkey + mustard sandwich is only going to provide a small amount of creative vocal output and a large amount of apathy, whereas a nice big club with all the fixins is super epic and virtually guaranteed to promote healthy, strong, creative vocalings. Watch out for ingredient quantity though. Too many green vegetables can add bad vibrato or even cause a singer to go flat. Too much hot sauce or peppers can easily send a singer sharp. And too much bread makes the tone sound a bit nasally.

In my opinion, it sounds like Warrel's sandwich habits during EoR were exquisite.
I don't sing, so it doesn't matter.

But I prefer turkey with mayo, mustard, lettuce and cheese.... or egg salad.
I do like that CD. I want to know what sandwich he ate too, maybe it will inspire my lunch.