All of them are good choices, the bass player in my former death metal band owned
the Corvette $$, great bass. Played like butter, the same goes for the Corvette Std.
but the $$ is a bit more flexible in my opinion and I dig the basis more.
The Deluxe Jazz Bass is nice but I am more into "special" things

Really digging the Sandberg California TM, flexible bass, plays great and everything.
Hard decision, depends on the genre and your playing style, for more hardcore/metalcore
kind of stuff played with a pick and a distorted modern sound, I would go either for the
Fender or the Sandberg.
If you want a clean and flexible bass, both of the Warwicks are great, more hi-fi.
Check Spectors out as well, really digging them, the 6 stringer of our bassist is the sex,
almost on par with his Steinberger (not the paddle, awesome sounding bass!).