Washburn Nuno N4 question

Skinny Viking

¯\(°_o)/¯ How do Lydian?
Oct 10, 2007
Yo guys

I'll just start out by admitting I'm not the most savvy with knowing how much some guitars are worth. Here's the deal ... I have what looks to be a very early Davies model of the Nuno N4 .. serial # 920219 so from what I've been able to find out on wiki, means its from Feb '92 and was the 19th guitar made that year. Point to all of this is I'm looking to sell it and I see all these other Nuno's on ebay averaging like $1400 or so. I'm just looking to see if anyone here knows what I should look for before I go putting it up on ebay for that much only to find out its not worth all that. The plan is to turn this right around so I can get my API A2D

I can post pics if anyone thinks they could make a better guess with them but I can tell you that aside from a couple of sweat marks and having swapped out the bill lawrence bridge pup for an EMG 81, this thing is in great great shape. I also do still have the BL pup somewhere in case that makes a difference.

Anyway, just looking for a little input and guidance from anyone who might have some insight with this. Thanks!