anyone care to list any films that they have on bluray or that are at least released that are like... more arty? I'm not really into action films, I tend to go for shit that's more art than action, without meaning to sound up my own ass
but bluray seems to be all about good looking, good sounding 90 minute explosion-fests, and i just wanna know there's plenty more shit out there thats worth spending my money on
criteria is that the movie isnt just a shitty explosion-fest and is a noticably better LOOKING and better SOUNDING movie.
for example, how is the good the bad and the ugly on bluray compared to dvd?
fear and loathing?
the godfather?
apocalypse now redux? (is this even out on BR btw? and is it really a significant improvement visually over the dvd if so? this is one of the best looking films of all time on DVD as it is.. can it really be noticably better?)
im getting a ps3 for christmas and one of the main reasons is bluray (along with the kickass exclusives, demons souls finally tipped it for me..) so yeah
i will have to play some shit online with you peeps on here with PS3's
but yeah, bluray shit gogogo