A question to those of you with bluray

Do you already have an HDTV? Might be a stupid question but you won't experience any increase in quality if you're using a Bluray player on a standard TV, and I didn't see it mentioned anywhere what type of TV you have, and that definitely has an impact on the Bluray experience.
i have a 32" HDTV downstairs with 5.1 surround and a 23" hd in my room
every room in the house has a HDTV thinking about it actually, most of them are like 19", but yeah the ps3 will be hooked up to the bigger one when i get it, and its a nice looking tv and the speakers sound fucking awesome
I have to buy a Blueray player.

Few months ago, I went to a music store and bought Iron Maiden's "Flight 666" DVD. I played it on my DVD and displayed an "error" over and over again. I tried to play it on my PC but another error was displayed. I was about to go to the shop to tell them my DVD was wrong.... then I realized I had bought the BlueRay. So I cannot watch it! fuck the world!
I read somewhere (dont get me wrong), that it depends on your blu-ray player as well for quality viewing. Some players play at 30 frames per second while others play at 24 frames a second, which is actually what the directors shoot in (24 f/s). Here in Oz they sell non true HD tvs (1366 x 728 etc) as HD TVs (1920 x 1080). There is suppose to be a slight difference between 1080i (interlaced) and 1080p (progressive). I have a ps3 blu-ray player mated to a Pioneer 50" KURO. It still bugs me a bit, its like Im playing a korean made Jackson through a Mesa Roadking, placebo is telling me that it could be better, even though it is truly amazing now.
i have a 32" HDTV downstairs with 5.1 surround and a 23" hd in my room
every room in the house has a HDTV thinking about it actually, most of them are like 19", but yeah the ps3 will be hooked up to the bigger one when i get it, and its a nice looking tv and the speakers sound fucking awesome

WTF, are you rich?
We don't have a single HDTV in my entire house:erk:
I can watch Blu-ray on my PS3 (like dúh) but i'm not gonna try it until i've bought myself a nice LCD TV :) I wouldn't even see the difference on my TV at the moment. (Crappy LG thing which is like 7 years old now, still works great though!)
the price of flatscreens has come down alot....when i bought my 720 i paid around 800 for it....then a year later bought the 1080 and it was actually 700...go figure
For the record: According to Consumer Reports' flat-panel shootout (which I studied extensively) if the TV is less than 50 inches in size, there is no discernible difference between 720p and 1080p

So, save yourself some money & don't buy into the marketing hype.

I've got a 42 inch Panasonic Plasma that's only 720P and Blu Ray looks incredible on it.
anyone care to list any films that they have on bluray or that are at least released that are like... more arty? I'm not really into action films, I tend to go for shit that's more art than action, without meaning to sound up my own ass
but bluray seems to be all about good looking, good sounding 90 minute explosion-fests, and i just wanna know there's plenty more shit out there thats worth spending my money on

criteria is that the movie isnt just a shitty explosion-fest and is a noticably better LOOKING and better SOUNDING movie.
for example, how is the good the bad and the ugly on bluray compared to dvd?
fear and loathing?
the godfather?
apocalypse now redux? (is this even out on BR btw? and is it really a significant improvement visually over the dvd if so? this is one of the best looking films of all time on DVD as it is.. can it really be noticably better?)

im getting a ps3 for christmas and one of the main reasons is bluray (along with the kickass exclusives, demons souls finally tipped it for me..) so yeah
i will have to play some shit online with you peeps on here with PS3's

but yeah, bluray shit gogogo

The godfather box is good.
2001/2010 look epic
Gattaca got a nice upgrade as well
and get the Planet Earth set
also Chronos (the art/docu not the horror flick)