Washington DC Show

Blackwater Demon

Using Cold Words
Mar 30, 2008
Under The Weaping Moon
Ok last I spoke of this show I said my wife said we could go to the next Opeth show then changed her mind. I got her to change her mind again and agree for us to go. I am so excited because the Norfolk show last year was great but I want to see them again and again and again and so on. I am about to order my tickets and reserve a hotel room. Anyone else going to this show?
haha yeah i remember this story about your wife she didn't let you go !!! does she decide what you are supposed to do? :P ! or she fears groupies ??
haha anyways ! Enjoy the show man ;] I wish i could go
Ha in his face!
I wish i could go to another opeth gig,
but i doubt they will be back in Australia till 2010/11/12/13.
Im going! After the Richmond & Norfolk shows last year....i couldn't help but go to more. I will be at the May 5th show in PA with Meredith! & @ the May 27th show in DC!! I just hope to see another tour come this way again soon!! See ya there! PEACE :kickass:
I will be there with a whole flock of friends and fellow Opeth-ians. It will be my first time seeing Opeth, and I'm positive it'll be everything I'm looking forward to and more.