Watch Me Play Keyboard & Guitar With Myself :) (shred)

Ben Johnson

Jan 17, 2006
Had some fun transcribing a Bach concerto and wanted to film it. Enjoy.

SnaxFx for Guitar & Omnisphere for Keyboard

Oh btw, no, this is not my studio, although I do have occasional access to this room. In the past I've only used it for listening to mixes (on Genelec 1031s and NS10s). The studio is normally used for TV production, so there isn't much high end stuff, except for the Euphonix desk. But instead of using that, I recorded direct into the camera - at least it has a couple XLR ins. :lol:
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Cool stuff dude, and very well-played, especially the guitar arpeggios! (though I do feel at certain points the keys could've used a bit of quantization, but since I assume there was none it's damn impressive! :headbang: ) I dug the overlay shots with you on both keys and guitar in the same frame, convincing enough to throw me off for a sec :D
Sweet stuff man...How do you do those overlay shots...Its even down to the reflection on the tv its awesome i see it all the time but never really bothered to figure out how its done
Sweet stuff man...How do you do those overlay shots...Its even down to the reflection on the tv its awesome i see it all the time but never really bothered to figure out how its done

For some reason this just reminded me of the line on Adam Sandler's first album with the goat with the mexican accent on the truck, "What the fuck is superimposed?":lol:

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I didn't like the vibrato on the keys but that was impressive, Bach is my number 1 favorite "musician" of all time. Really a cool idea ! And baroque music always fits electric guitar so well.