Watch the Sky Tonight

@rahvin: omg, wtf, how can you still see it, it must have moved a couple hundred Kms away.... :confused: :p
@Lamia: you don't really have to glue your eyes on the sky or smt, it's just the brightest star shining i think.
Siren said:
@Lamia: you don't really have to glue your eyes on the sky or smt, it's just the brightest star shining i think.

I can never tell which one's the brightest. :erk: Unless it's lighting up half the sky or something... But I'll try. Thank you! :grin:

Dark_Jester said:
It's the big red one. If there is an orange one and a green one underneath, you're looking too low.

They're all plain yellow to me...:Smug: But then again, I'll give it a shot as soon as it gets dark and the stupid clouds disappear. :)

Yesterday my brother took out his telescope, bu there were too many trees and we didn't have much time. I should dig out my dad's old telescope, it's a fucking awesomeone, they cost near $1000 now, he got it when he wa sworking on the Hubbel Telescope at Perkin-Elmer, I think. THe stand is rusty, butthe top part to mount it is OK... I need to sand it and repaint it soon...
You can't see shit in New york city!

When we had that imfamous blackout a week ago or so I was so glad for actually being able to see stars, it was really nice. And I also enjoyed a nice candlelit bath while the rest of the idiots here panicked and flipped out 'because their world had collapsed without electricity..'

I hope it's still visible tomorrow night when I'll be back at the university.