Watch the Sky Tonight

@miolo: but you can still see it every bloody night from here. it's really annoying, you glance distractedly at the sky, and there it is. oh, that's mars. cool. fine. now go away please. :rolleyes:
rahvin said:
@miolo: but you can still see it every bloody night from here. it's really annoying, you glance distractedly at the sky, and there it is. oh, that's mars. cool. fine. now go away please. :rolleyes:
how can you tell it's mars? perhaps it's just a... tomato, hanging from the sky? :Spin:

Miolo: it's the bright red one. :-)

rahvin: it's still going to be visible for some time yet. the aliens from Phobos should have already told you that by now. :Spin:
Why don't i see anything red in the sky? They're all yellow, white, golden, whatever, anything but red...
Actually, an ex of mine showed it to me some time ago, but seeing as he is an ex, everything he says now falls into the "doubt" category. :lol: :grin:
@Wazoo: if it went blue you must start worrying :p

@wildfyr: :D well if it's the golden/orange thing, then i've seen it. i was just not sure if that was it or what. and thank god i'm not CNN. :p