Watching Headbangers Ball.. how silly are 'hardcore' bands

Oct 5, 2003
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The NYC style hardcore band videos are all the same. A bunch of white tattood kids wearing hoodies playing live outside in some geto with grafiti everywhere. Then the singer is always pointing his fingers towards his face. Fuckin stupid
I like Hardcore bands music wise.

Hatebreed are brilliant. Saw them live earlier this year and was just blown away by their ferocity.

But yes I do agree most film clips follow a similar trend. You forgot the fact the singer is usually wearing a cap though ;-)
The NYC style hardcore band videos are all the same. A bunch of white tattood kids wearing hoodies playing live outside in some geto with grafiti everywhere. Then the singer is always pointing his fingers towards his face. Fuckin stupid

Yup! Stupid is the new cool.

..but it ticks me off that they are playing Punk and Hardcore on shows like Headbangers Ball and MuchLOUD.
Being that I play in a NYHC band and have lived in NY since I left the O.C.. Trust me most of the shit played on headbangers ball doesnt even come close to the real deal. Mtv shows (with a few exceptions) waterd down Nu metal crap from dudes heisting the hardcore flag when all they are is metal bands that use the name harcore. Not to bag on Jasta cause he knows his shit and has some great bands on his label. But most of these cupcakes do not represent NYHC of today let alone NYHC of the past. And for the record I aint a fan of Hatebreed either.
I like Hardcore bands music wise.

Hatebreed are brilliant. Saw them live earlier this year and was just blown away by their ferocity.

But yes I do agree most film clips follow a similar trend. You forgot the fact the singer is usually wearing a cap though ;-)

LOL yeah forgot about the cap.

And for the record I love hardcore bands like Sick of It All, Biohazard, Madball, Gorilla Biscuits, Cromags etc. But all these new bands are just rip offs of those bands and their 'image' is just rediculous.

Even the new Machine Head video for "Asthetics of Hate" has clips of Rob wearin the hoodie sweatshirt and acting as if he is in a 'hardcore' band.

It's just funny to watch
LOL yeah forgot about the cap.

And for the record I love hardcore bands like Sick of It All, Biohazard, Madball, Gorilla Biscuits, Cromags etc. But all these new bands are just rip offs of those bands and their 'image' is just rediculous.

Even the new Machine Head video for "Asthetics of Hate" has clips of Rob wearin the hoodie sweatshirt and acting as if he is in a 'hardcore' band.

It's just funny to watch

i saw that video last night. i was wondering if he watches it and says "omfg thats so ghey" or "omfg thats so metal!"

BTW Pro-Pain is one of my favorite metal bands.
The NYC style hardcore band videos are all the same. A bunch of white tattood kids wearing hoodies playing live outside in some geto with grafiti everywhere. Then the singer is always pointing his fingers towards his face. Fuckin stupid
I know what video you're talking about, some band from Boston. Yeah it just seems fake to me too. I don't listen to much hardcore but I love Sick Of It All, watch some of their live vids on youtube, oh my god. Stay out of that pit. I've liked Biohazard for years, not into Hatebreed much only because I heard one whole album and it just wasn't diverse, every song sounded the same to me. I like Jasta's lyrics though, very positive and intelligent.
I like Sick Of It All, DRI, Black Flag and Pro-Pain. Does anyone remember the band Stompbox? They had a CD out in 1994.

Sweden has a long but pretty unknown tradition of hardcore bands: 59 Times The Pain, Raised Fist and Refused to name a few.
Hardcore bands ... all that well 'ard angry hatred ... I wonder where it all goes when they stop playing.

Wonder if they take up normal day jobs.
I prefer the circle-pit, fast punk crossover like DRI, Municipal Waste, Cryptic Slaughter, Nuclear Assault, SSS, SOD, Suicidal Tendencies. But then there is stuff like Black Flag, Murphy's Law. If the vocals are like a machine gun firing off and the punk rhythms sound like The Sex Pistols on 45 speed, then it's good hardcore. I hate how all the hardcore now is about breakdowns.
There has no doubt been some fucking awesome NYHC bands and still are a few but I've definitely noticed the trend going on the thread started mentioned and I find it quite laughable :lol:
I prefer the circle-pit, fast punk crossover like DRI, Municipal Waste, Cryptic Slaughter, Nuclear Assault, SSS, SOD, Suicidal Tendencies. But then there is stuff like Black Flag, Murphy's Law. If the vocals are like a machine gun firing off and the punk rhythms sound like The Sex Pistols on 45 speed, then it's good hardcore. I hate how all the hardcore now is about breakdowns.

but i like breakdowns :(