Watershed Chart Positions

So Watershed didn't reach the U.S. Billboard top 200?

Damn, that's just what I need..... MORE reasons to be ashamed to be an American.

Right, because popular music charts should dictate your pride as an American.
i dont' care about charts, i just know what i like, and i love watershed. i love opeth. and i really dont' listen to any other bands. i like soilwork and tool, and a few nameless other bands. but i only really care to listen to opeth. every single cd player i own has an opeth cd in it. and i change cd's but they are usually only opeth cd's.
I wonder if the collector edition had any effect on the chart position for the US. Do the charts count all editions of the album ??
Do they only consider the standard edition ?

I'd be shocked if they reached 64th with GR & can't break the 200 now ??
I wonder if the collector edition had any effect on the chart position for the US. Do the charts count all editions of the album ??
Do they only consider the standard edition ?

I don't know how that works.

If they do track the editions separately, Roadrunner will only really care about how much they sell combined, and not so much about chart position. So things might not be so bleak for Opeth in the US... but we won't know either way unless RR makes a statement, or somebody is able to leak the Soundscan for it.
I don't think they'll post any sales numbers/chart position for the US until the cd's been out for a full week. Which will be tomorrow. It wasn't "officially" released here until June 3, y'know.
The Watershed release was cheaper than other releases ie. Ghost Reveries (on some sites anyway) I wonder whether this played a part... Cz frankly I'm quite surprised at the chart positions
I don't mean to put a downer on things but you don't even need to sell 2000 copies (Australia Wide) to make it into the top 20.


How much did that Men At Work album sell in Australia? YOU KNOW the one I'm talking about.
as an australian i'm proud to say that I personally bought around 1000 copies of the album, so i'm sure I have something to do with its popularity!!!
Most of my metalhead friends are cheap bastards and the ones that aren't are usually grim kvlt dudes who only buy albums from online distros; so it was weird that I was one of the only two in my group of close friends to buy Watershed (since they practically ALL are Opeth fans). I guess the rest will buy it at some point.

I know a lot of people from my work who bought it though. And a lot of acquaintances from the Melbourne, Aus metal scene.
If it was L'Opeth - L'eau du maison it would be probably #1

Needless to say they can't pronouce the "th" - It's a struggle to ask the shop assistants for an album.

Lever du jour
Mes bras, ton if (I love that one)
Nature morte
Le parc de l'eau noire (Eeeeeeviiiil)
Reveries fantômes
Les cassettes de la maison ronde (Wow.)
Abri anti-pluie (that sucks)

Sorry for that.
I'll never translate the lyrics, it'd be terrible.