Watershed Chart Positions

I don't ignore Canada....I'm on the Edmonton Oiler site almost everyday as well......I'm dying to get a job in Edmonton, and leave Florida behind....maybe shake some Canadian senior's hands as they pass by,coming here, as I drive the other direction.

Cool! C'mon up and shiver in the dark with the rest of us!
I'll thaw out the welcome mat for ya... :kickass:

In all honesty, it's a great place - have fun in Oil Country!
You can add #\infinity here in Malta. :( My SE hasn't even arrived yet.

GT2000: Do you watch Southpark? Lol. Random Canadian guy: "WE WANT... More Monayyy".
You can add #infinity here in Malta. :( My SE hasn't even arrived yet.

GT2000: Do you watch Southpark? Lol. Random Canadian guy: "WE WANT... More Monayyy".

Hey boddy - I resent that, eh?

Just kidding - I frickin LOVE South Park...!
The parody is not far off.
Canadians are always feeling slighted and overlooked.
Kinda like little man syndome, but on a national level...

I loved the SP movie, when the Canadian Air Force attacked the Baldwin and Arquette residences in retaliation...

I notice the site is down this week, but this is an awesome place to watch episodes: http://www.southparkzone.com/index.php

My latest fave is Major Boobage from the 12th season. It's a tribute to the Heavy Metal movie - check it out!
I finally got to watch the Trailer Park Boys movie last week. I couldn't stop laughing. I really plan to find a way to move to Edmonton by the end of the year. I miss the Chicken Lady as well.
Dammit, #7 ! >_<

I wait for the day I won't have to repeat "Opeth" over and over to people before they understand what i'm saying. I'd prefer a frank "Argh I hate it" than the usual "Op-what??"
Gëist;7332944 said:
Needless to say they can't pronouce the "th" - It's a struggle to ask the shop assistants for an album.

Lever du jour
Mes bras, ton if (I love that one)
Nature morte
Le parc de l'eau noire (Eeeeeeviiiil)
Reveries fantômes
Les cassettes de la maison ronde (Wow.)
Abri anti-pluie (that sucks)

Sorry for that.
I'll never translate the lyrics, it'd be terrible.


btw it's "Mes bras, ton corbillard"

And I love the russian & chinese versions :worship:
Wow number one! But there's lots of records in stores too, and mainly seems that 2 disc sets. Very cool. I dont even remember that Dream Theater ever has been nro 1 and they are very succesful here.
Hey boddy - I resent that, eh?

My latest fave is Major Boobage from the 12th season. It's a tribute to the Heavy Metal movie - check it out!

One of the funniest episodes by far! "Awesome rockin' tits" "You must go to the temple of marnar and fight in the breastiary, in nipplopolis" (I'm sure there's a few errors in that quote!)
opeth is indeed #23 in germany: http://www.mtv.de/charts/album50

btw, wanna play this game too:

Meine Waffen, dein Leichenwagen
Stillleben (or "noch Leben")
Die Bahnbetriebswerkbänder :loco:
In Italian it would be:

Ascesa del Mattino (or Alzabandiera if you use the... uhm, other meaning)
Le mie braccia, il tuo carro funebre
Natura Morta
Parco Acquanera
Rimembranze fantasma
Cassette della casa rotonda

Wtf, #42... well, still higher than I thought
I don't ignore Canada....I'm on the Edmonton Oiler site almost everyday as well......I'm dying to get a job in Edmonton, and leave Florida behind....maybe shake some Canadian senior's hands as they pass by,coming here, as I drive the other direction.

Hey Ramses - I'm curious why you're moving to Edmonton?
I'm assuming family or job commitments... but the fact you're a big Oil fan suggests something else?

You'll never find a more hockey-crazy town... this is how they roll