watershed cover !


the jpeg :zipit:
It looks great. Partly it looks like the cover of Ghost Reveries (colors) but it also looks entirely different and as expected it has nothing to do with water. And like Ghost Reveries, it's not a landscape but an interior. And that guy looks like a (troubled) musician composing a classical opus or perhaps a writer. It also has old feeling on it and somewhat dark, brooding atmosphere. Though that window sheds some light into darkness and perhaps works like a watershed, dividing the room.
I dont think anyone was expecting this.. its very different.. but at the same time has the classic Opethy feel to it. Its very mysterious as well.
Wasn't expecting anything, and first reaction was not positive actually ... but after a couple of seconds of staring at it, it already started growing on me. It reminds me of the Deliverance and Damnation artwork as well ... The more I see it, the more I like it, hopefully I'll be saying the same things about the music, but judging by Heir Apparent I'm pretty sure that will be the case.
This will become a classic album .... a revelation!
Also thought of Deliverance instantly.... the light falling through the window made me think of a waterfall. But I think the person sitting there kind stands for the fellings mikael had, when writing the album ( he stated somwhere it would be very personal and he don´t want to talk about this ) Nice Cover imo...:worship:
Maybe becuase it is done by the same artist, not to mention it is in Black and White just like the Deliverance, and Damnation, artwork... lol

Blackwater Park is also a black and white cover from Travis Smith and doesn't remind me of this one at all :rolleyes:

But it shows an interior with a drapery (falls :lol: ) and a silhouette (lol again) so yes, that's Deliverance-ish...
Impossible to really tell without holding it in your hands. The quality just isn't good enough as a JPEG. Also impossible to interpret what it means when we haven't heard the album.
I was excited about Watershed, but now I'm anxious and damn curious.

I cannot wait to see (or hear) the link between the cover and the album's meaning. very cool

As time goes by ideas keep surfacing in regards to what is outside of this room. My imagination is going wild.
When I first saw it it made me think "Deliverance meets Ghost Reveries". Overall I like it and the more I see it the more I like it.