What title is better "Watershed" or "Repulsion"?

I like Watershed, for the same reason as Vega. Repulsion sounds like the name of some generic black metal band.
this is because you dont know the name actually ...
what if if they got "the drapery falls" on still life?!
its the same ... doesnt fit... you have to get familiar with it! (X

i think repulsion sounds much more like opeth ...
dunno !
Watershed def. When I read the blog about the repulsion part I was thankful he didnt go through with it. I really like Watershed :kickass:
Well....when someone mentions "Repulsion" I get 2 instant images. The band, and the movie. Both good images, but "Watershed" is more appropriate considering....
Watershed is a great name!! If the album was actually called Repulsion, I wouldn't know what to think. I honestly thing Repulsion sounds too common, and just unintelligent. Repulsion should be for a straight-up death/thrash band, which I don't get much into anyway. Simply doesn't interest me at all. Repulsion would have been repulsive :puke:

So, Watershed for me!!
Watershed is a great name!! If the album was actually called Repulsion, I wouldn't know what to think. I honestly thing Repulsion sounds too common, and just unintelligent. Repulsion should be for a straight-up death/thrash band, which I don't get much into anyway. Simply doesn't interest me at all. Repulsion would have been repulsive :puke:

So, Watershed for me!!

Couldn't have said it better myself. :)
somehow I think if it would have turned out to be Repulsion and he mentioned thinking of calling it Watershed, we would have the same thread and all people would say the exact same things, but then saying that Repulsion is so much better ...

oh well, definitely Watershed for me though :p just because it is very unexpected, and is a name that for most people doesn't seem good at first but then grows on you, just like their music.
"Repulsion" doesn't sound like Opeth. It really reminds me of that green head which Mike was talking about.
