What title is better "Watershed" or "Repulsion"?

after reading about the struggle of choosing between the two, and hearing that mike seemingly chose watershed, somewhat in vain, i'm really starting to doubt the quality of opeth's direction. i just don't like that mike let one of his "friends" influence his decision to change the title....errr...i dunno...thats no so bad i guess. i just hope the rest of the album is better, and maybe repulsion would have been too.
From the reviews we've read so far, Watershed sounds like it's better fitting. But as for 'better title'..Repulsion!
Neither of the titles seem very Opeth to me. I particularly don't like the title Watershed though...seems a bit pretentious. But I've never judged an album by it's title (and cover), so I'm still anticipating this release.
Neither of the titles seem very Opeth to me.

Can't say I love the title Watershed, mostly because I hear the word thrown around to describe so many things, its like naming the album after a reviewers description of it. I'm sure it has a deeper meaning then what it appears though, so I can't say its a big deal.
Repulsion sounds like a record written by a teenage band who've just gotten into metal through Slipknot and want to be extreme by singing about dead bodies and maybe even the odd case of molestation.

Watershed sounds like it shouldn't be the name for a record. Which is why it works for Opeth.
I was apprehensive about Watershed at first, more so than the other titles, but I like it now I've had time to digest it, Repulsion isn't a bad title either, but it would take me a lot longer to like, so I'm pleased they went with Watershed.
I prefer Watershed to Repulsion. Watershed is kind of a proggy word, while Repulsion is a deathy word.

Let's rank Opeth titles. Studioalbums only.

1. My favorite title is "My Arms, Your Hearse". It's weird and dark and cool.
2. Next one out is "Ghost Reveries"
3. "Blackwater Park" is a cool title.
4. "Still Life" is ok
5. "Deliverance" is a bit meh
6. "Damnation" I feel is totally wrong for the album, and a bit meh
7. "Morningrise" is silly. It's either too happy sounding (yay it's morning wee)
or dirty sounding.
8. "Orchid". While the word itself is beautiful it's kind of silly to name a
death metal album after a nice flower.

I'm not sure where to put Watershed in this list, maybe between Blackwater Park and Still Life.
i think the fact that "repulsion" is so un-opethy would make it totally opethy in the long run, if that makes sense...because sure, repulsion sounds like a death metal word, but if you would connect it with the music it would give the word a whole new dimension.
like "damnation", which is pretty doomy, but coupled with the mellow feel of the album gives it a whole new perspective.
hope i made sense.
Meh, neither name is that great. The name is not important, as it says nothing about the music. But somehow "Watershed" just falls off the tongue in a more graceful manner than "Repulsion" - which sounds like a Korn album reject title or something a suburban angst ridden kid would come up with.

Sorry if I offend anyone:loco:
Let's rank Opeth titles. Studioalbums only.

Yeeha , good idea ;)

1. My Arms your Hearse.... (Yeeeeeeeehaaaa... evil..!!:headbang:)
2. Ghost Reveries (very evil and a lot of mystery:worship:)
- (here I would locate Watershed [Sounds proggy and innovating/revolutionising/evoluting at the same time] )
3. Still Life (The arty/classical/ancient-story-one)
4. Blackwater Park (veeery mystical place this park ;) )
5. Deliverance (yeeha metuuul :lol: )
6. Damnation (the sad one :erk:)
7. Morningrise (The Epic/harmonic one)
8. Orchid (strange but not bad at all)

So nearly the same ranking as yours Metalmaster...:D

I think all titles kick ass!!