Watershed Deal at FYE


May 24, 2008
I found a good deal on Watershed SE for US customers, and I thought I'd share it.

FYE.com has a preorder price of $18. This comes with a $3 mail-in rebate (these can be a pain, but I've done several and received every one from FYE).
Until Memorial Day, MEMDAY2008 is a coupon code for 10% off.
If your order is >=$25, shipping is free.
If you're a Backstage Pass member, you get another 10% off (this costs $25, so unless you shop at FYE anyway, don't bother).

Thus, $18 - $3 - $1.80 + $0.43 (stamp) = $13.63 plus tax for Watershed with another item(s) at 10% off.

If you only want the regular edition, then it is $13 - $3 - $1.30 + $0.43 = $9.13 plus tax with other items at 10% off.

The rebates will be available in store, but the prices may be different (higher if anything).
Good news. Does this mean that FYE will have Watershed on the 3rd? Or will we have to wait a week...
I think Roadrunner will do their damnedest to make sure FYE has plenty of copies of Watershed on release day.

If you buy it at FYE.com, I doubt you'll have it on the 3rd.
i've boughten opeth albums since deliverance at FYE the day they were released. it's always a reliable place that will have copies the day albums are released.
Yeah, too much! fuck FYE. At Gigantour 1 and 2, they would let you go backstage anytime during the day, and meet all the bands, and get autographs if you paid $20.00. This one pimplefaced employee overheard me laughing and ridiculing their audacity, and overpriced merchandise in their stores. He came over with a smirk, and said "tell you what, I'll make it 10 for you, as long as you don't tell anybody I gave you half off." I laughed..."Listen, I've met Dream Theater, Opeth, Megadeth many times over the years, and have all their albums. Why would I pay FYE to meet the bands? Besides, I already talked to some of them, when they walked by earlier!" FYE had some deal with the bands. They were discouraged from talking to the fans outside, no joke! None of the FYE employees gave a shit, or even listen to any of the bands there! It pisses me off so much, because most fans attending, work their asses off to even be able to afford a ticket to see their bands play. And for a company to come in and make it feel like eletism, when there's so many broke people out there that have been into these bands for years, but are being prevented from the chance of talking to bandmembers.
I heard quite a few people around me at Gigantour, talking about how much of a bummer it was not to have an extra 20 dollars! It's just sick!!
Yeah man, that IS sick.... but as Zero Mostel would say.... If you've got it, flaunt it. :p
Too bad though that their prices are usually quite painful. :erk:

Too true. They used to have good deals on imports, but not so much anymore.
Cuneiform Records titles have a reasonable price after discount.
If you're a risk-taker, you might want to try ordering obZen and see if you get the free t-shirt they are offering.