Watershed Forum Theme

Ok, we are keeping Jack then :p

That said, a couple of posters suggested one done with the regular cover of the album so here it is:

Again, click to see the larger image. Which of the two do you like?
btw. who is Jack Frober? Ive searched the forum but it was mostly people fucking with each other and messing around. So who is he? How is he relevant to opeth?
Btw. I think you should make it a whole background, not just a "banner", this one we have atm is below the whole page, your's just in the top.

Oh and to satisfy even more people, how about making the style self-customable, I mean so that you could decide yourself if you want to use that/one of them, or the Still life one. This way you/people could make even more different layouts for the forums, like one for each album.