Watershed/ Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow


Aug 30, 2006
Alright, go watch Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow movie if anyone wants to catch on to some "maybe" connection's with this movie. Garuntee about every 15 mins you'll hear a different title of a track of Watershed, or something that was in the lyrics, or whatever.

Basically, tim burton added tons to this movie, things like the horseman is actually real, and he was this vicious general or whatever, and there's a witch trying to get this family's money and stuff.

Heir Appearant = The main story-line in this movie ends up being about someone who's trying to be a heir (the movie even uses this word i think) to a fortune. Also in the song, it talks about a horseman, who very much sounds like the headless horseman, because the horseman in the song is a killer. Also, the movie calls him a hunter like in the song.

Hessian Peel = in the movie, someone calls the horseman a "hessian".

Porcelain Heart = In the movie, the main character writes down a bunch of names on a peice of paper to try to solve a mystery, and pretty much "reads them twice". He (being Icubad Crane) went "far away" to sleepy hollow in the beginning of the story. In the movie, he also "lost all he had" when his mother died when he was young, and he clings to his past really badly.

Dunno if it means anything, but it just seems like some things connect. Even if it doesn't, I definatly feel that the album is somehow set in the 1700's or whenever around the time of sleepy hollow was, in basically really old america.
It would be kind of funny if Mike just used the 'lyrics are too personal' excuse to cover up the fact that he wrote the lyrics in one night while watching this movie.
Holy shit, the Porcelain Heart "writing names and reading them twice" thing sounds really convincing. I'll download the movie and give it a try.

It would be kind of funny if Mike just used the 'lyrics are too personal' excuse to cover up the fact that he wrote the lyrics in one night while watching this movie.

Ahaha, yeah
Awesome stuff :D
Pretty damn well written lyrics to allow them to be linked to other stories - i'm sure someone compared "Heir Apparent" to the reign of George Bush :p
That's as really cool observation. That movie is really Opeth-y, and i have seen it, and do know what you're talking about. Good stuff.
Yeah, because we all know that they had business suits, and mechanical hearses (automobile) back in the 1700-1800's. Hell, I've seen a movie where a woman read a grocery list twice, and then lost all she had ( her money )when going to the grocery store. I'll go look for the movie, the title escapes me at the moment. Explain to me the (in Porcelain Heart) lyrics I turned to my friends, and wrote down a name, wallowed in shame. Icabod's mother was slain in the movie, when he was a child, so: lyrics-I promised to stay.....? Heir Apparent-The headless horseman, wasn't casting out a thousand lies, or spewing forth a meaning to miserable lies. And, 'again he rides in' could be riding in a car, but "riding in" is often used as an expression as someone appearing at the last moment to "save the day" at the last moment. His touch soiling what used to be clean....the horseman just obliterated/slayed people. Somebody posted before that Heir was about George Bush the last few years, so....lyrics can be paralled to many things and seem to fit. Remember, the Opeth artwork has always coincided, or is in association with the song's lyrics found on their albums.
Yeah, I mean, after I watched the movie, I checked Watershed's lyrics and majorly doubted any real connection....but if Mikeal came on here and was like "Oh yeah! I watched that movie a couple days before I wrote watershed's lyrics...I was wondering where I came up with all those words that no one says anymore!" I'de definatly beleive him.

It's almost like Anders Friden of In Flames's lyrics. Some of his songs have many movie references, and he has like a DVD collecting fetish.

0_o I think Mike likes Mario too. Besides the part in The Lotus Eater sounding nintendo-esque, has anyone noticed that Atonement and the desert music on Mario 64 sound similair?
The Lotus Eater riff you speak of, is actually a riff from 'Lady Fantasy' by the band Camel, off the Mirage album. The main melodic line in Atonement sounds like the vocal lines in a Heart song 'The Night' off the 1990 Brigade album. It's like Jimmy Page once said in the 70's...."there's only so many notes on a guitar, you're gonna end up playing notes someone else has done before." The way Mikeal takes his influences from the past though, are to me , done the right way. It's a nod/tribute to his favorite bands, but without completely copying anyone. And to the un-initiated, or younger fans, they'll get curious to go find these obscure bands he's into for themseves, and that's a good benefit to these bands. Almost like repaying them for the inspiration they've given Mikael.
The Lotus Eater riff you speak of, is actually a riff from 'Lady Fantasy' by the band Camel, off the Mirage album. The main melodic line in Atonement sounds like the vocal lines in a Heart song 'The Night' off the 1990 Brigade album. It's like Jimmy Page once said in the 70's...."there's only so many notes on a guitar, you're gonna end up playing notes someone else has done before." The way Mikeal takes his influences from the past though, are to me , done the right way. It's a nod/tribute to his favorite bands, but without completely copying anyone. And to the un-initiated, or younger fans, they'll get curious to go find these obscure bands he's into for themseves, and that's a good benefit to these bands. Almost like repaying them for the inspiration they've given Mikael.

Lady fantasy now thats an excellent song from a great album by one of rocks most toneful and melodic guitarists

you are right i often start what seems like an good song idea the eventually realise its very close to something else, hard to be 100 origional. also many bands have nicked basslines and melodies from classical music over the years
Yeah, even my favorite band of all- Yes, has admitted to it. The riff of Heart of the Sunrise, (off Fragile album) was Chris Squire (bassist) doing his imitation of the main jam riff to 21st Century Schizoid Man, by King Crimson from just 3 years earlier. He sped it up a little, almost making it a totally different feel. And Rush's first album, well, it was delayed for 2 years, and those 2 years before it was released, they were still in Zeppelin worship mode. And their first album.....at least 60% of it was total Jimmy Page guitar riffs. Thankfully, by the time the delayed album was released, they were blown away by prog rock, and Neil Peart was now in the band, so they started to develop their own sound/style, for the next album. And, the next album wasn't so blatantly mirroring another band.
I wondered wether there was any connection the minute I saw one of the songs had a title HESSIAN PEEL. After all, the word "Hessian" doesn't appear in many song titles. For those who are unaware, "Hessian" comes from a region in Germany called Hessen and the Headless Horseman was originally a mercenary from Hessen.