Watershed/ Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow

Another thing, Mike might not actually know he's using a idea from another song, at least as soon as he writes it. I know that when I write music, I'll write a whole song, then when I listen to it, I'll be like "hey, you know, that small part sounds a lil like this song I think I've heard before" and pretty much, its like the other song was a subconcious memory that I didn't know I was remembering at the time I was writing the song.
Mikael has repeated a few riffs on Opeth albums, it happens to a lot of bands that have been around for quite a period of time. Hell, my guitarist seems to play the same fucking notes time and time again in his solos!:rolleyes:
It would be kind of funny if Mike just used the 'lyrics are too personal' excuse to cover up the fact that he wrote the lyrics in one night while watching this movie.

oh so true LOL
-i really find that an interesting connection,i am a big fan of sleepy hollow myself and its really good conncetion that makes alot of sense to me
Its inevitable that anything anyone creates will sound like something else, especially if they have 'influences' or artists that they greatly admire. And sometimes even if you know nothing about a particular band sometimes your music will sound like theirs.

The guitarist in our band writes riffs that sound very much like Blackwater Park material, but he doesn't listen to Opeth...
I wrote a metal song, where the chorus is based on Fur Elise by Beethoven. It's a more mainstream song too, nothing weird like Symphony X, so I bet I hit a pretty unique song there. :)

Despite the fact that its so easy to forget the chorus is based on someone else's song because the song is a couple hundred years old -_-.
Nah, honestly Opeth and Sleepy Hollow were the first two time I've heard it. Isn't much german history in my school.
Yeah, even my favorite band of all- Yes, has admitted to it. The riff of Heart of the Sunrise, (off Fragile album) was Chris Squire (bassist) doing his imitation of the main jam riff to 21st Century Schizoid Man, by King Crimson from just 3 years earlier. He sped it up a little, almost making it a totally different feel. And Rush's first album, well, it was delayed for 2 years, and those 2 years before it was released, they were still in Zeppelin worship mode. And their first album.....at least 60% of it was total Jimmy Page guitar riffs. Thankfully, by the time the delayed album was released, they were blown away by prog rock, and Neil Peart was now in the band, so they started to develop their own sound/style, for the next album. And, the next album wasn't so blatantly mirroring another band.

Spot on. I remember when I first heard Rush's debut, I recall thinking, if anyone is going to rip Zeppelin off this is how it should be done.

The Working Man riff is something straight out of Led Zeppelin 1:worship:, methinks