My Watershed Experience

Blackwater Demon

Using Cold Words
Mar 30, 2008
Under The Weaping Moon
Thus morning I bought the special edition of Watershed. All I can say is wow! I love it. From start to finish it is a masterpiece. My favorite songs are The Lotus Eater, Porcelin Heart, and Hessian Peel. I cant understand why Bridge Of Sighs isnt on the main CD. All in all this is a wonderful album
I opened this thread in expectation of windows being rolled down, dances with grapefruits under the armpits or at least Hamlet rehearsals...

In summary,

no exploding birds? :(

Lol. That thread was cool.

Actually, a few days ago I saw a bird somehow getting electrocuted on a 240V mains line. Wonder how it happened though, must have been grounded or something. It was sizzling and I think I saw a flash of blue light too. Poor fella must not have understood what hit him.

But there was no Opeth playing :mad:
well calling my thread a shit thread is pretty rude too. I was just posting my opinion on this album. He didntneed to put me down for it.

but dude, your thread is meaningless. it belongs in a thread that's already talking about watershed. dont flood the forum with threads.
everytime someone makes a thread for casual conversation some elitist assholes always have to come along and ruin the fun. you'd think people would have something better to do then roam a message board 24 hours a day whining about everything.
everytime someone makes a thread for casual conversation some elitist assholes always have to come along and ruin the fun. you'd think people would have something better to do then roam a message board 24 hours a day whining about everything.

I generally agree with you - guilty as charged today... normally, I won't challenge someone when they post a topic that is already in play. But this one was just screaming for a beat-down.

I mean, it's not like the original topic was buried on page 11. It was like three lines down on the main page.

I'm just sayin is all