Waverly Lies North - A Soul In The Void

Yea no dickish reply from Frankster as Glenn said. John's just joking with me cause when a year ends I tend to not listen to music much from that year. It's just an in house joke between me and him 'cause he does tend to look back sometimes(which I chide him on) on previous years music and I tend to look ahead so he's just ribbing me back hehe.
I was having trouble understanding him and wasn't sure if it was just me, youtube or an accent. They're French so maybe that's it. Cool, cool sound but the vocals are unintelligible to my ears, at least through my laptop.

BTW, I love Firebreath threads. I don't always like the bands he posts, but he has opened up a lot of doors I normally would not have gone through. Thanks and keep 'em coming.