WAVs and Reaper

May 28, 2015
Stockholm, Sweden
Reaper zealots out there, I need a bit of help. I'm a very happy Reaper user since half a year ago, however, I have this "small issue" all the time when importing WAV files into Reaper. They always peak at 0dB or more. So every time, I have to put a trim plugin on every track to keep the gain down at -18dB. Am I doing something wrong when importing the files ? Do you have a better way to approach this ? What's your workflow when loading tracks into Reaper before mixing ?

Thanks !
Could be a simple question, but aren't the tracks you are importing always too hot? I haven't used Reaper for a couple of years now, but never had this kind of issue and it seems unlikely that the problem lies within Reaper to be fair
Do you mean that the master clips after importing multiple tracks at +0dB, or that each individual track clips? Or perhaps the above posters are correct and the tracks are clipping before getting to reaper. Post some screenshots.
Thanks for the answer guys ! Yeah it was as simple as it can get, the tracks were always too hot. I've tried today with different WAVs downloaded from the forum and they're ok. My problem was that in my last 4-5 projects, the WAVs I got were always clipping, and I thought, "ok, one or two times, it can be the case that I get from someone files that are too hot, but five times ? Noo, it can't be, what are the odds for that ?" Well, it seems that they were high hahaha In addition, some of those files came from studio guys so I thought that experienced guys could not be sending me such hot files. Anyway, mystery solved !
Depends on how those guys were preparing the files for mixing. Simply consolidating the files shouldn't change the gain. If they are exporting through plugins or normalizing in a batch export process then that would explain the issue.

So every time, I have to put a trim plugin on every track to keep the gain down at -18dB

Just trim the item volume! There's a volume control on every item.
You guys talking about how you can click the top of the audio item and drag the red line down, I'm assuming? Comes in very handy.
You guys talking about how you can click the top of the audio item and drag the red line down, I'm assuming? Comes in very handy.

in preferences you can also set that to be a little volume knob.

There's also take volume envelopes and pre-fx volume envelopes if you really need to tweak the levels before the fx chain.

I use take volume envelopes a ton.
in preferences you can also set that to be a little volume knob.

There's also take volume envelopes and pre-fx volume envelopes if you really need to tweak the levels before the fx chain.

I use take volume envelopes a ton.

Interesting, I was not aware of take envelopes. So what's the advantage of using take volume envelopes instead of track volume envelopes ? I guess that one advantage is to avoid riding the fader for the whole track and just for some specific parts of it, isn't it ?
Here's how I do it. Video from a few months ago. I need make another where I use it a vocal.

I use it to control macro and micro dynamics, sibilance, pops, clicks, and gate. It's incredibly fast.

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