Ways to get your mind off having a shitty time;

FretsAflame said:
I found a drifter and took a shit on his chest. I feel much better now.

I'm just fucking around, still kind of bummed.
LITERALLY! *ba dum-bum*

or ... not really, but ... it still would've been a funny pun.

or a punny one.

*laughs heartily*

*shoots self in the chest*

when i'm feeling bad, i just make horrible puns.

while listening to Sentenced.

that gets your mind off suicide reeeeeeeal quick, let me tell you.
Probably sounds cliche, but I will usually just drive when I really cant get my mind off something. Play music very loud and roll the windows down.

p.s. I cant whistle either.
dreaming neon darkspot said:
LITERALLY! *ba dum-bum*

or ... not really, but ... it still would've been a funny pun.

or a punny one.

*laughs heartily*

*shoots self in the chest*

when i'm feeling bad, i just make horrible puns.

while listening to Sentenced.

that gets your mind off suicide reeeeeeeal quick, let me tell you.

Hahahaha puns it is, I didn't even notice my own pun :lol:
Sometimes you need to embrace the emotion reguardless of what it is. Don't run from it or try to cover it up with mindless distractions. Life is pain and pleasure and anger and joy. It's all the same really. You can't appreciate one without the other. So life sucks, just sit there and dwell on it until it's filled you up body and soul and release it all.

Maybe you should sit down and write about it. I write lyrics and poetry. Most of my best stuff came from when I was pissed off or depressed. Playing an instrument is also great therapy. I play the piano and it definately releases that raw energy, that raw emotion.
firewalkjen said:
Sometimes you need to embrace the emotion reguardless of what it is. Don't run from it or try to cover it up with mindless distractions. Life is pain and pleasure and anger and joy. It's all the same really. You can't appreciate one without the other. So life sucks, just sit there and dwell on it until it's filled you up body and soul and release it all.

Maybe you should sit down and write about it. I write lyrics and poetry. Most of my best stuff came from when I was pissed off or depressed. Playing an instrument is also great therapy. I play the piano and it definately releases that raw energy, that raw emotion.

Or you could readjust your ball-sack and lift weights!

Gimme a hell-yeah!
^I've seen them on TV...and they have puppetry diagrams on teh intarweb, too :Saint:
neal said:
yeh zim is pretty awesome, that episode with Pustulio fuckin slays me. didnt you have a dancing gir sig for awhile?
Yep! Gir is my hero.
And that show makes me happy every time...no matter what!