What do you to get shit off your mind?

when in doubt listen to annihilation of the wicked
by the end of the album all your troubles will be gone
tried and tested
Fuck all this go drink, go smoke some weed and eat a dozen twinkie's bull! =D

Bro, go for a run, go lift some weights, go workout!!!!

Makes your body feel body, your mind feel better (mmmm endorphins) and it improves the way you LOOK which will, undoubtedly, help w/any confidence issues you are having.

Do some research, find what works for you, hook yourself up with a diet that suits you needs/goals and you'll be well on your way!

=D Not to dis anyone's drinking or smoking, but I just never saw it to be anything more than escaping and not truly dealing with anything. Been there, done that.
see to me that sounds like my idea of hell on earth, and putting myself through said hell on earth while down or some shit just doesnt sound that inviting :lol:

different strokes :rock:
Fuck all this go drink, go smoke some weed and eat a dozen twinkie's bull! =D

Bro, go for a run, go lift some weights, go workout!!!!

Makes your body feel body, your mind feel better (mmmm endorphins) and it improves the way you LOOK which will, undoubtedly, help w/any confidence issues you are having.

Do some research, find what works for you, hook yourself up with a diet that suits you needs/goals and you'll be well on your way!

=D Not to dis anyone's drinking or smoking, but I just never saw it to be anything more than escaping and not truly dealing with anything. Been there, done that.

The endorphins really work. At the moment I do not have the funds to buy my own food, I am at the mercy of what my father buys (and he doesn't buy shit but junkfood and booze for hi alcoholic ass) so I really can't muster up a diet change just yet.

Its not a confidence issue, when I leave my house I wear my nicest jeans, and a fitted button up shirt (I have $60+ fitted dress shirts) clean shaven hair done up, my personality is so different that most people have a strong passion to have distaste towards me. No matter how good I feel about myself I never socially kick it off with most people in a good way (especially the opposite sex)

see to me that sounds like my idea of hell on earth, and putting myself through said hell on earth while down or some shit just doesnt sound that inviting :lol:

different strokes :rock:

To some degree I agree, but exercise is an amazing mood changer, but sigmund weed is a really good spiritual cleanse, you become more one with yourself and are able to relax, after smoking you get a great nights sleep wake up feeling amazing and clear headed. But again since I am applying for jobs a have a bag of weed that I can't smoke but soon shall I :kickass:
Well, lately I am having trouble getting shit out of my mind. The most fun i have is doing DAW things when my daughter and wife sleep, playing a stupid fantasy formula 1 online game, playing with my daughter, coming into this forum and....crying. Call me a girl, but lately I am having a lot of trouble holding things inside myself. Family troubles, trouble with my wife, health issues ,too much stress on the job and not having fun (including no sex) are turning into this.
I would suggest any hobby (besides music - you seem to have that one down pretty well considering you're on this forum). Maybe reading a book isn't for you, but try hiking, biking, birdwatching, yard work, photography, painting, drawing, writing, fishing, billiards, etc. etc. And never think of a hobby as a waste of precious time - I think these things are absolutely ESSENTIAL to stable mental health and physical health. Hobbies help you become comfortable with yourself and finding a good hobby will help you meet people that will eventually become a big part in your life.

What I would suggest not doing is drinking or doing drugs, that will most likely make any depression worse. When I get lonely, or depressed or upset I find a new hobby - nothing like the beauty of discovery to bring that old pep back into your step.



Amen :D
I would suggest any hobby (besides music - you seem to have that one down pretty well considering you're on this forum). Maybe reading a book isn't for you, but try hiking, biking, birdwatching, yard work, photography, painting, drawing, writing, fishing, billiards, etc. etc. And never think of a hobby as a waste of precious time - I think these things are absolutely ESSENTIAL to stable mental health and physical health. Hobbies help you become comfortable with yourself and finding a good hobby will help you meet people that will eventually become a big part in your life.

What I would suggest not doing is drinking or doing drugs, that will most likely make any depression worse. When I get lonely, or depressed or upset I find a new hobby - nothing like the beauty of discovery to bring that old pep back into your step.

not to sound ungrateful to any of the suggestions that anyone has said, but for my current situation it has to be free (my checking account it overcharged and they won't let me pull any money out of it so my card is useless, that includes gas to go anywhere). I wish I had a nice camera and photoshop because I love photography, I love bike riding a lot, wish I had money for paint, but I can't draw worth a shit and I have no room in my house to do something like that. I don't think hobbies are a waste of time, I just believe that I have to do something that I feel is productive, if what I am doing is not productive that isn't spending time with friends or family is a waste of time, its just the way I view thing. If I don't do anything productive in a day my self worth deteriorates very quickly.

@ Marcus, I totally fucking feel you on that one. My amp is downstairs at the moment and I am severely fucking sore as if I did heavy labor since my anxiety attack Sunday night, so I can't lift my gear up to my room to jam out loud.