WCFYA sales updated

there is no justice in the world.
just like how the ugliest guys always get the hottest chicks....[/QUOTE]

......thats me. Ugly and married a hottie. Just got the news Im going to be a daddy. :headbang:
mrthrax said:
33 thousand might sound low but a band like machine head whose records were selling like hot cakes not so long ago only sold around 25 thousand for burning red album.

That is because that album was so fucking horrible that no one would by it, it sucked so much that I smashed it with a chair in a drunken rage.

now about Anthrax, FUCKIN A PEOPLE IT IS UP TO US! Spread the word get it out, I like the idea about buying cd's and giving them away, it may cost money, but I don't give a fuck about money, Anthrax needs us, they can't do it all, and if this fucking great album looses momentum and falls off the face of the world, 'Twould be a really shitty occurance. I hate this fuckin country with its narrow minded follow the trends bullshit about everything, THINK FOR YOURSELF DAMNIT!
I think that it was said best in the film "Almost Famous," when Lester Bangs warned William that the music industry was going to become "an industry of cool." The dude was right. Fuck MTV, fuck radio, and FUCK AMERICAN IDOL.

Also, remember that some of the better rock/metal albums have taken six to eight months to really take off. Perhaps a second single will set it off.
prime666 said:
LOL Good one.

Why the fuck doesnt the band make the record available at the shows with the rest of the merchandise?

They've considered it. However, they do not want to lose out on merchandise sales as they have to pay for all the shit that has been made. CDs, although sometimes hard to find, can be bought anywhere. The same cannot be said of merchandise.
Someone mentioned a second single, I cannot even hear SH here near Detroit. My friend lives out near Lansing and he's heard SH and WDD quite a bit...maybe because it's less "urban" out there, I don't know for sure, but it isn't fair the way radio ignores them. Oh, and IMHO the title track from ST. Anger fuckin' rocks! It's about time they got rid of that bad influnence bassist, Trujillo has reenergized them. No more made for radio, slickly produced crap! :kickass:
Is there any way of finding out a WCFYA worldwide sales figure rather than just a US one????
Matt Bello said:
Newsted was the only true metalhead in Metallica and it's was one of the reason why he leave, cause the direction of the band was too comercial
flotsam and jetsam was metal???????? Have you listened to the song....?
just to let you know safe home has been getting a fair bit of airplay on kerrang tv here i the uk. it was on last night. It was the only video i watched with any great interest. I reckon the keanu effect has had something to do with it.
ThraxDude said:
That's the spirit. I think I've bought 10 copies now. A few were gifts and others, I was paid back.
I kept bugging this metal chick at work about getting W.C.F.Y.A. until I just picked up a copy for her.

She paid me for it.

Maybe paying for it was her way of telling you that she'd never fuck you?
What doesn't die should be the next single. Taking the Music back is cool but I feel WDD is much stronger. I'm a bartender at this busy bar on the waterfront in DC and my buddy that tends bar with me loves that song. It's such an anthem. When we're out on the prowl boozing we sing them main part at the top of our lungs "YOU..cannot kill.. what doesn't die...." We do it at work too and I've mixed it in for afterhours listening. My bar manager makes us play top hits for regular hours. I'm getting everyone into that song.
A sign that the better times are coming perhaps:
I was at this cool bar in downtown QC City where they have like a cool bar with bands playing on one floor and the other floor is the best discotheque in the town... anyway, two weeks ago on a thursday night, the whole bar was jam packed and there was this Metallica tribute band playing - where it gets interesting is that in between the sets, the DJ played 3 Anthrax songs and people were tripping !!!!
DJ played Refuse to be Denied, Superhero and Out of sight, out of mind (?) - maybe the tide will turn and WCFYA will go platinum anytime soon? :)
What has hurt the sales here and the radio push the record has recieved is the fact that when the album was released the band was only playing here for about a week or 2 afterwards and then they were back overseas.

It would make sense to promote the album in the country it has been released for a little bit before heading back overseas. A 2 month tour of the States and hitting the radio and tv circuits in the cities you're playing in to promote your album is what helps sales...NOT going back to a place where the album had already been out for months... but oh well.

Hopefully they can get some momentum on this tour. Does anyone know if E-Town or LOG are drawing any people in that are sticking around to see Anthrax?