wd, whatchya up to?

oh i agree 100%. But as i said, i dont expect him to at all anymore. I was so fucken suprised when he replied to that stupid (but cool) whack thread. hahhaha
Originally posted by dead6skin6mask6
ya.... but at least he logs on the board and scrolls a little bit, ill try not to let the fact that the singer of my favorite band ignores his fans

Maybe he is busy?

Personally I think you guys are a bit spoiled by the fact that he used to post. I am sure he posts again when there is something he needs to say, be it funny or serious.

Also I'm sure he is extra busy right now doing the record. The fact that he _is_ browsing the forum shows that he does care for the fans. Don't act like a spoiled kid because he is not answering. That only makes him regret that he has posted at all and might make him inclined not to post anymore.
hardly. he's not like that... and it's not him being busy or not. he just plays deaf (blind) to the questions of the fans (not in person, but on this forum always). of course, this thing with the weather is a joke, but people asked him serious questions too, and he checks all that and leaves. people here are not spoiled, as members of other bands do participate in discussions with their fans, and it's not a big deal (and he's not Pavarotti or Madonna).

on the other hand, thinking about it a little better, he is not always the same person.... :cool: hmm... nevermind... :D

I'm pretty sure he's not the only person who browses this forum and never says anything. So what? Get over it. You want news, wait until the site is updated ;)
I'd like to know if wd or any of the guys from nevermore ever listen to anything beside metal- obviously they have listened to Bauhaus, thus i wonder if they like Coil? Do they listen to classical, blues, jazz, electronica, techno, bluegrass, prog- just what else do they like besides metal, and will we ever see the influences of any different genre of music?
yeah while im at it- how about other non musical interests of the guys from nevermore? it seems WD is acquianted with buddhism.