
i actually saw a guy cutting off his cock and balls with the sharpest knife he had cuz he didn't wanna pay for a doctor to do it i was just there to hold the video camera and help him clean up the blood he's verry happy now that he has removed his prostate and also a freakishly huge amount of tissue to "sculpt a vagina"
Guerrilla said:
Crap, Masie I think you're really a man. This whole pretending to be a woman thing online is just a test to see if you can handle it before you try it in the real world. Bet if this experiment works out you'll go have a sex change operation. Don't encourage him people, he'll regret it if he cuts his penis off.
witch thing is it that makes u think that misstress is really a guy??? she seems so much more like a dominatrix than a guy
and even if she was really a guy i'd still be sexualy attracted to her
Ok, first? I am ALL gurl baby.

Second, even if I was not, what is it to you?

Third, He cut off his own penis? Man, THAT is desperation.

I have a diverse group of friends which include, gay & transgendered people. The kink community is a colorful community if nothing else.

Please, do not form or express opinions you know nothing about. It is a big world, enough room for everyone.

*pats dragon on the head*

Good boi.
Welcome Masie. I hope you stay, because it seems as if people leave as soon as they arrive. Is this board that bad? Ok, don't answer that.
Ihreil Junkenstein said:
No, not if it's a great country.
I would love to live in say..... Iceland. Or Greenland.
Canada as well. Everywhere else is pretty fucked.(I suggest these becasue I know fuck all about them, therefore they are good.)

Masie, hey.

There is no great country. Each country has it's own problems.