wendy darling babes....


true light

Just want to tell ya, I saw a spunky babe walking to my work, wearing a t-shirt that had , good girls go to heaven and bad girls go to AMSTERDAM...heeee
oh she had great tits as well...filled the tshirt right up...
HOW DID LOVE/HATE go...did you get *LUCKY*
is that mad man still the singer voxxer, whats his name jizzy. i HATE THEIR CD CALLED wasted in america, it really suxs.
oh well.
Definitely, Love/Hate ruled and they ruled hard. Actually it's just the singer with another backing band but they rocked anyway!

King Jizzo aka Jizzy Pearl put on a great show. I bought a Love/Hate shirt afterwards and his book, imagine that!
He likes to write, Jizzy he does.

Check http://www.jizzypearl.com for more details.

Seriously, they were great live, very tight and they played all the golden oldies :lol:

and it's true...this is were all the bad girls are.....
I know of his board, the fucker banned me....2yrs ago. Because I insulted him, on day.he aslo banned josie a chick whoo want ed to marry him and have an ozzy osbourne type family, and do other duties. But alas the web master is his wife, who poses all the way through the site, trying to sell his book, made her leave for good.. Hvae u got his book yet?? Have u heard of the legend JOSIE. I have read passages of the book, I wait for WD'S - and his hugging a light pole, instead of a tree.
And london HOW WAS THAT???
Josie Pearl? Is she a pornstar or does she just like to look like one? Yes, some people are still living the LA rock dream....or think they are -

Got the book haven't had time to read it yet

London was expensive............ouch
but the show was gooood!!
I have been to camden town, to see the damned, there are cheap metal bands that playat KINGS CROSS, a seedy area...many pubs, and there better than NEVERMORE hahaha
yes, london is expensive, but not as bad as paris that killed my cash.
Glad you got the book, I will some day, its very expensive to ship to oz, well i think so. I like what the other l.a metal people have to say about it....in the reviews.
I first came across love/hate in s.f in 1990.
Yes, in Camden, underworld club.
London has gotten out of hand, especially since they didn't adopt the EURO. ouch!! Nothing compared to Paris anymore!

I think there's another book on the way, and he had his column on the metal-sludge website. I'll let you know how I rate the book.
because I like a cooked breakfast in the morning. Another book wow, he does write well. well in a very personal sort of way, do you know what the topic is about....
are we taking, bigger....

please explain???

SERGE is a nogger.
well I quess its all to do with the frame of the ladies...depends but cleavage is way cool. Isn't pathetic how some, make their boobs shiny, with makeup...
Hows the band going???
uh ... narrot ... wouldn´t exactly call it a "desease" .... hahaha, thats cool haahaha

btw tl .. whats a nogger?