we need a new drrunkm thread

Just titty fuck 'em, you'll be fine.

Man, shots suck. I did about 14 of those a few weeks ago for the first time in years, what a waste. I'd rather have a fine single malt scotch on the rocks and be able to enjoy the flavor before I finish off the 12th one and can't see anymore. :)
You didn't drink enough. Or you're still drunk and in that dreamy "hey I feel fine!" stage two hours before you start contemplating ritual suicide if you don't get a few dozen gallons of water in you.
markgugs said:
Shots are for teenagers. You fucking pussies.
maybe some of us don't want beer bellies by the time we're 20 :)
unless you propose drinking straight liquor out of the bottle...

when you look at it, what is more manly than drinking liquor? beer? hell no. wine/champagne? hahahahahaha. everclear straight from the bottle? fuck yeah, if you're a masochist.

i fail to see your point.
Dude shots are weak. If you're going to drink liquor, enjoy it. ON THE ROCKS BIATCH!!! Although I won't call anyone pussies for taking shots. :tickled:

I've been known to drink whiskey straight from the bottle when out in the hills in the middle of nowhere, but vodka I pour into a glass. No ice though.
Although not quite so much with hard liquor, there is a TREMENDOUS difference between straight from the bottle vs. in a particular glass when it comes to wine and beer. Don't drink a single malt scotch from the bottle though, that's blasphemous.

For example I have about 5 different types of beer glasses for specific applications, and a great beer in the wrong type of glass can make it taste like shit. Generally speaking the stronger the flavor, the wider the glass you want, allowing it to breath. Also temperature is a big factor, most dark beers consumed ice cold taste like gasoline and hate.

Yes I'm hoity toity about my liquid love. :loco:
That's about the pickiest I've ever heard. There's not much that I DON'T drink from the bottle, but then I can't afford anything tasty either, just stuff to get me drunk.
Erik said:
What does hate taste like?
A cross between unsweetened chocolate and bung. :loco:

I don't speak of stuff like Jim Beam and Michelob, obviously cheap stuff doesn't have rules, I'm talking about decent liquor which is what I generally go for.