We shall arise! \m/


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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Ho...leeee... SHIT! :eek:

Ever since I opened the mail yesterday, I'm even more unpopular with my neighbours :lol: Where do I send the bill for a new set of speakers, lads?

At first, ARTP sounds like all my favourite parts of Resurrection multiplied by ten and given a hearty dose of steroids. Just the kind of "jump around the room, play air guitar and smash things" music I was in the mood for when I put it on.

After a second spin first thing this morning, I could see just how far Dungeon have come since the debut. Everything is *much* more ambitious, with a sound that takes no prisoners. Stu and Dakk are a big part of this, and I doubt the album would have kicked quite so much arse if not for the new lineup.

Vox and percussion are at full pelt all the way through. I can only wonder at the amount of drum heads Stevo got through during the recording, and the beating that Tim's vocal cords must have taken, especially during "Traumatised."

Standout moments so far are the title track, Netherlife, Insanity's Fall, Stormchaser and Life is Black. I'm sure I'll just need a few more listens for all the others to get up off the stereo and belt me around a bit too :headbang:.

Last but not least, it was quite a pleasant surprise to read through the thankyous and find my name listed. You guys are the epitome of gentlemanly coolness :).


Wrathy - thanks a million for the kind words dude! Glad you like the CD so much!

Now all we need is a million or so more you's! :lol:
Cheers brother! thanks again.

Yeah - we sincerley hope everyone likes what they hear with the new one.

mmm, maybe we should cover " blow your speakers" by manowar... Guys?.... Guys?,,,,,,
"......and riding the eternal plains of death on our horse of steel & leather we shall strike down your speakers of cheese & banish them to hell, for we are the brothers of schtool & fiyahhhh...."


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Is *that* how it goes!??? Hahahahahaaaa!! Sorry Stu. :p
Hey, now that I think about it... I've never seen me and Max in the same room at the same time...

Hmmm... Curiouser and curiouser.... :err:


Wrathy - thanx, man! It was the least we could do to mention you after the support you've given us! :)

And thanx to everyone here on the MD board! You all sort of get a mention in the booklet anyway, but I just wanna say that we really do appreciate everyone's cool comments about the new album and for putting up with the endless amounts of Dungeon posts on a board that's supposed to be about Iron Maiden! HAHA!

Nah, seriously, thanx everyone! It means a lot! :)
Originally posted by Lord Tim

And thanx to everyone here on the MD board! You all sort of get a mention in the booklet anyway, but I just wanna say that we really do appreciate everyone's cool comments about the new album and for putting up with the endless amounts of Dungeon posts on a board that's supposed to be about Iron Maiden! HAHA!

'S'alright. All the off-topic stuff kinda gets drowned out by all the Maiden talk around here anyway.
Cheers Wrathchild. Thanks for the kind words. :D

Spiff... I haven't got gig times get. I'll keep yer posted.

Southy... you're correct on the venue & date.

Thanks to everyone for their support. :)