well my friend the way to go on about "if i was to do it" would be starting from finding a place that has a good sound systema and a good stage , close to transportation and not hard to find ,
find out if you can hire it for a night and have a "deposit" of some sort for it ...
now the most important thing is the ADVERTISING and promotion of that night , come up with a clever catchy name , see if you can get at least ONE good band to do a live show at the end of the night , Get SHITloads of good metal CDs , spend time planning the theme and color and the way the Drinking and bar is managed ,
but yeah , promotion is the most imprtant thing , so allow like at least a month in advance for advertising , if people don't know , they dosn't show up ..
make sure nothing else is going to happen "major" on the night like another gig , and envite as many people as you want "keeping in mind the limitation and size of the club" ,
now this is a one time first go trial thing , so don't get ahead of yourself and get all big headed lol ... make sure you finance this well , charge a resonable amount on the door , and have cleaver give aways and games if you can ...
and there is so much more you can do too ...
but for a start you might do something like "the Maiden downunder Get together night" , and have everyone puting there name ona little sticky tag and put it on there shirt "niks on there forum" so this way everyone knows everyone in a little way , if you can even make up a little website about it ... and DJ wise , get someone you trust with a GOOD collection of the Classics and modern classics to play .
a long time ago i was gonna do this , but speacking with a mate of mine in sydney last month when i was there , we talked about it and we thought we'll give it a good go when i'm back in sydney ..
but i'm more than happy to share this idea with anyone .....
but remember that you are not trying to make money , so if you do make a little profit out of it , you might invest it in a bigger or better venue , or get more cds or god knows what , but if you focous on the real reason behind it and not get all "money driven" , you can make it happen ..
this was Just my 2 cents about it