We need metal clubs!!!

Jason: Yeah it would only be once a week what I was thinking we need. Kinda like what Hell's Kitchen used to be. Every Saturday night at the City Saloon Bar was "Hell's Kitchen", the metal club. But other nights it was just the City Saloon Bar. But yeah it was more of just a host for gigs.
well my friend the way to go on about "if i was to do it" would be starting from finding a place that has a good sound systema and a good stage , close to transportation and not hard to find ,
find out if you can hire it for a night and have a "deposit" of some sort for it ...
now the most important thing is the ADVERTISING and promotion of that night , come up with a clever catchy name , see if you can get at least ONE good band to do a live show at the end of the night , Get SHITloads of good metal CDs , spend time planning the theme and color and the way the Drinking and bar is managed ,
but yeah , promotion is the most imprtant thing , so allow like at least a month in advance for advertising , if people don't know , they dosn't show up ..
make sure nothing else is going to happen "major" on the night like another gig , and envite as many people as you want "keeping in mind the limitation and size of the club" ,
now this is a one time first go trial thing , so don't get ahead of yourself and get all big headed lol ... make sure you finance this well , charge a resonable amount on the door , and have cleaver give aways and games if you can ...
and there is so much more you can do too ...
but for a start you might do something like "the Maiden downunder Get together night" , and have everyone puting there name ona little sticky tag and put it on there shirt "niks on there forum" so this way everyone knows everyone in a little way , if you can even make up a little website about it ... and DJ wise , get someone you trust with a GOOD collection of the Classics and modern classics to play .
a long time ago i was gonna do this , but speacking with a mate of mine in sydney last month when i was there , we talked about it and we thought we'll give it a good go when i'm back in sydney ..
but i'm more than happy to share this idea with anyone .....
but remember that you are not trying to make money , so if you do make a little profit out of it , you might invest it in a bigger or better venue , or get more cds or god knows what , but if you focous on the real reason behind it and not get all "money driven" , you can make it happen ..

this was Just my 2 cents about it :)

Cheers ;)
_(^DRACULA^)_ said:
spend time planning the theme and color

How about...BLACK!

_(^DRACULA^)_ said:
but for a start you might do something like "the Maiden downunder Get together night" , and have everyone puting there name ona little sticky tag and put it on there shirt "niks on there forum" so this way everyone knows everyone in a little way

Well if EVERYONE from here turns up, we could have it at my place. I think I can fit 24 people in.

Well, that's my contribution. Happy to help.
Southy said:
B what the hell is a elk or moose lodge?

elks club and i think the official title for moose club is something or other order of moose or some such stupidity.

they are basicly clubs for old geezers to hang out and get drunk. you know how fred flintstone was in the waterbuffalos? that was the flinstones version of the clubs. they dont really wear hats, but the stupidity of the waterbuffalos is a semirealistic showing of what the clubs are like in their better moments.

the places they have their meetings are called lodges and they rent them for wedding receptions and rummage sales and dam near anything else.
phlogiston said:
MTBEAST, ya gotta understand, we don't really have the population down here for that sorta thing. If it's _ANYWHERE_ in the greater city area (i.e. including the suburbs), it's all the same thing. Our entire country has the population of New York on it's own.

sorry boss, i had no clue!
the city i live ins area is only 2 square miles-but we have a population of 31,000!
All and all it is hell of a lot harder than all of you think. Trust me i know the amount of wrk I did for the clubs I ran was hell of a lot and i only had what I call a small club, however managed to make money even on the slow night which had 150 odd people in the place with about 100-120 payers.
You need to have a business plan etc that takes best and worst case scenarios etc. i suffered many a sleepless night wrking on stuff for the nights and got very sick at times from the wrk and stress in the end the best thing was knowing at least 90% of punters came back again and again.
JBJ - Did you do happy hour's and theme nights ? I have a friends band which plays at a pub all the time and the stupido managers wont help promotion etc with a Happy Hour - makes it hard to get peoples to come along when basic spirits are like $5.50
Happy Hours are actually illegal! In a sense anyway. It doesn't promote sensible drinking which is what you have to do as part of your liquor licence. You can have promotions where you give 1 drink free to each customer and similar promotions.
We did have theme nights etc. We had "Lord Of The Rings" the week before it came oout at the cinema. We had New Year, album launches, give aways, random entry for free we had for that previous to the night a set number of 20 and chose random numbers...if you were that number person through the door in you got for free. Just at the time the venue got bought by people who turned it into a resturaunt I was about to have membership key rings were you got in at the cost we pay bands per entry, free drink each time you came along,if you bought another person to join you got in free(limited to one per member), newsletter with reviews of bands etc. I had a whole business plan that went for 100 pages etc etc. Also was about to do shirts etc.If you run a place proffesionally i.e contracts for everyone,promotions,good planning you will succeed no matter what goes wrong as your ready for it.
Los4words said:
JBJ - Did you do happy hour's and theme nights ? I have a friends band which plays at a pub all the time and the stupido managers wont help promotion etc with a Happy Hour - makes it hard to get peoples to come along when basic spirits are like $5.50

As Xena has explained, it's actually illegal to advertise a happy hour per se. In fact (and I think I'm right in suggesting this), publicans actually have the right to increase drink prices when there's a live band or any form of entertainment on in the premises. It's an allowable surcharge to cover the cost of the entertainment. Most places don't do this, but I have been to some that do. One moment a beer cost me $2.80, and as soon as the band started playing, it went up to $3.50.

Los4 pulls his head in and bows to the awesome knowledge of JBJ nd the Goremister....

P.S. Ta for the info dude and dudess !
Goreripper said:
One moment a beer cost me $2.80, and as soon as the band started playing, it went up to $3.50.

That'd be a great way to get people like me to never set foot in the place again, on a matter of principle.
hmm, was just wonderin, if happy hours are kind of illegal, how do universitys get away with advertising them? we always have them at our parties...not that im complaining :D
I could drive up there now... but probably couldn't afford the petrol or accomodation plus I have uni on Fridays hahahaha (not that that would stop me though lol). They sound like awesome nights though!
The Trooper said:
I could drive up there now... but probably couldn't afford the petrol or accomodation plus I have uni on Fridays hahahaha (not that that would stop me though lol). They sound like awesome nights though!

I missed the first couple but the i made it to the last two and it's just pure 80's heaven.....you would love it Trent:rock:
They do sound pretty awesome! And Brian's offer sounds good too heh... maybe I should think about going up for one when I have some money! :)