We should start a Prog Power lottery


Dec 22, 2003
San Diego, CA
It would be funny to see some sort of poll where everybody pays to place their vote on the next prog power lineup a month or so before Glen announces the bands, and the top three closest votes get some cash, the rest goes to Glen to get more of these dream lineups that would pose a money problem. Hey, people are addicted to fantasy football, and gambling in general, why not capitalize on it for our benefit? (Yeah, I'm REALLY BORED at work) :yell:
Wow dude, this time I got really impressed on how people's imaginations can go far away... But I'm totally up for the idea...

When do I start gambling? lol
For IV Glenn did have a guess the lineup. Whoever got closest would get a complimentary GB and if someone guessed the full lineup and in the exact order theyd get a VIP pass.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that there wasnt anything like that for V because for GB'ers there was a special lottery for VIP passes. Pay an extra ten bucks with your ticket and you got entered. I dunno what Glenn has up his sleeve for this year.
