WEAKLING- black/death metal band


Oct 18, 2002
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not sure if i asked this before. anyone know much about them?? all i know is that tehy have really long songs, and are similar to Opeth and Dissection. tehy have one album, Dead as Dreams.

thanks for any info.
Not similar to Opeth and Dissection. More like Burzum and Darkthrone, but better produced. Actually they are just mostly blazing fast throughout. One CD is all they ever put out.. "Dead As Dreams" on Tumult records. Amazing, amazing, amazing, crushing, wall of sound. I can't recommend it highly enough. You can order it at www.aquariusrecords.org. The guy who runs the Tumult label works at that store.

Members went on to the Fucking Champs and Ludicra, whose album "Hollow Psalms" on Life is Abuse is also highly highly recommended "indie black metal" if you can imagine such a thing. Actually blows most european black metal out of the water.
thanks for the info. what i said was based on what i read. but i do know that the album is highly recomended. thanks for the site!
You should check out Aquarius Records' metal section.. they carry some extremely esoteric and very hard to find stuff: Root, Lykathea Aflame, amongst others. The 2CD Leviathan on Tumult is supposed to be really really good.
Originally posted by frigidpony
You should check out Aquarius Records' metal section.. they carry some extremely esoteric and very hard to find stuff: Root, Lykathea Aflame, amongst others. The 2CD Leviathan on Tumult is supposed to be really really good.

cool. thanks for the further info! i'll probably check out that leviathan.
A friend of mine just showed this band a 2 or 3 weeks ago.. I don`t know why didn`t I know about them earlier... :(

do u know anybody what might going on with them now?
Originally posted by Mocika
A friend of mine just showed this band a 2 or 3 weeks ago.. I don`t know why didn`t I know about them earlier... :(

do u know anybody what might going on with them now?

wow, you dragged up an old topic!!

well, actually, they broke up before the album came out. it's their only album. and it almost didn't come out!

well, one of the members is in the band The Fucking Champs. Weakling was actually a side project for him. they are working on a new album right now, i believe.

i have it now, and it kicks ass!!

go to www.allmusic.com and check out their bio. very interesting.
I'm also pretty sure one of the members of Weakling is currently in Ludicra. They are a bay-area black metal band that also has Ross Sewage of Impaled on bass. They have a CD "Hollow Psalms" on Life Is Abuse records and it's really good.
Originally posted by Dodens Grav
Hmm, now I'm interested in this band.

they only have one albumm, Dead as Dreams. i definitely suggest you get it if you can find it! great album! i found a copy on eBay for $8 US, and bought it (this was back around Christmas time).
reviews, from aquarius records:

HAMMERS OF MISFORTUNE The Bastard (tUMULt) cd 14.98
Our own Andee proves himself, and his tUMULt label, to be truly dedicated to the Heaviest of Metal with this new release! Following on from prior tUMULt metal-oriented releases (the grim and trancelike black metal genius of Weakling, the blackened grind of free-jazz fans Hatewave, the noisecore assault of Burmese...), the debut full-length album from San Francisco's Hammers of Misfortune takes the Metal to an entirely new level. It's a full-on metal opera, stirring everything into the cauldron, majestic male and female vocals, acoustic guitar breaks, Maidenesque harmonies, black metal vocal rasps, headbanging riffs and classical motifs. Next to seeing them live (where the leather-clad band, a mere four-piece, belts all this out and more), "The Bastard" is serious metal fun. Black, death, power, prog, epic: it seems like almost all styles of metal are represented in Hammers' songs, which flow non-stop from one to the next in a complex 3-act saga telling a crazy fantasy tale about a cursed bastard child raised by forest-spirits, who travels into the Underworld to find the Blood-Axe and slay his father, an evil tyrant, in the name of the Chaos Godess...or something like that. If you need help figuring it out, the 24-page booklet includes the "liberetto" as well as some excellent wood-cut style illustrations -- indeed the whole thing (a digipack) is a very handsome package.
Formerly known as Unholy Cadaver, Hammers of Misfortune is the demented brainchild of local metal master John Cobbett, who also plays guitar in the cult SF "celtic epic metal" outfit The Lord Weird Slough Feg. Mike from Slough Feg is also in Hammers, playing guitar and providing the "clean" male vox. And we must mention the contribution of Janis Tanaka (ex-Stone Fox) on bass and the exellent female vocals. "The Bastard" comes across like a mixture of Cradle of Filth and Blind Guardian, or Slough Feg and Opeth, or Satyricon and Mercyful Fate: it's that eclectic, that classic, that amazing.

LUDICRA Ludicra's Hollow Psalms (Life Is Abuse) cd 10.98
Finally, the debut record from this fearsome local black metal fivesome sees the light of day. Ludicra is yet another project from the fertile metal mind of John Cobbett (Hammers Of Misfortune, The Lord Weird Slough Feg, Iron Cemetary, etc.), this time with the help of local rockers/scene fixtures Aesop (Hickey, Dr. Dre Del, etc.), Christy Cather (Missile Command), Ross Sewage (Impaled), and Laurie Sue Shanaman (who works at the veterinarian where Andee's girlfriend and Erik his housemate take their cats!).
Ludicra's debut reveals them to be a highly advanced black metal creation. They're complex, moody, darkly psychedelic, and 'post-rocky' like AQ-faves Enslaved -- a very good thing. The droning savage trance rock of another AQ black metal fave (and fellow San Franciscans) Weakling is also evident. Maybe it's Aesop's punk-derived drumming, or the song-writing dynamics, but while this is very metal indeed it also betrays an awareness of other strands of underground rock. And of course it's heavy, textured, and exceedingly well-crafted, as you would expect from the pen/plectrum of Sir Lord John Cobbett.
Ludicra has two singers: Christy (who also plays guitar) and Laurie Sue, and while both vocalists are women, you won't hear any of the sweet singing that Hammers of Misfortune's female vocalist does. No, it's all very extreme -- except for some wordless background choruses and an interlude or two of gentle chanting, they mostly deliver scary throat-shredding screams that upend gender stereotypes. But, like Hammers, having more than one vocalist allows for interesting variety and dynamics. Lots of acoustic interludes and dark and rhythmic breakdowns that hint at the band members' diverse indie rock/post punk/punk rock backgrounds. That, and Ludicra's ability to yet generate at the same time such a convincing black metal atmosphere, makes for a very satisfying and compelling listen.
The care Ludicra took with their music also extends to the packaging. "Hollow Psalms" comes in a standard digipack, but upside-down/reverse so that it opens more like a book (with the cd tray on the inside front cover, and the booklet on the right side). The art on the cd even says "Ex Libris" with a space for your name, in keeping with the storybook theme. The handlettered booklet includes lyrics and is illustrated by bassist Ross. We're very impressed, all around.