

Aug 2, 2009
Anybody know of a decent site to host studio mixes? I'm looking for a way to get what I do out yet I'm broke (spent on gear! HA). Just a way to say hey, here's some mixes and a little info. Myspace is long gone so that's outta the question, facebook really sucks with music. I've been out of the music website loop a while but wondered if you all could suggest one? Gracias!
i would suggest paying for web hosting and your own domain name. Domain names are super cheap, hosting will cost a bit but not too bad. I am using godaddy, but i do not recommend it, their cheap hosting plans are shared hosting where thousands of sites are hosted off the same server, that means shit is SLOW.

install wordpress and build a site around it.
i would suggest paying for web hosting and your own domain name. Domain names are super cheap, hosting will cost a bit but not too bad. I am using godaddy, but i do not recommend it, their cheap hosting plans are shared hosting where thousands of sites are hosted off the same server, that means shit is SLOW.

install wordpress and build a site around it.

Considering he wants things done cheap, I doubt he's going to find someplace to host his site on a dedicated server that he can afford. ;)

Although godaddy is slow, they make things really simple as far as registering your domain name and hosting and install of things like wordpress, php, mysql, ecommerce sites, etc etc. Dreamhost is another company i've used; although their servers are a bit faster, they are expensive and service overall isn't much better than godaddy for the price you pay. I'm not a fan of godaddy, but if you want a cheap solution, that's a way to go, and at least you have control of the layout you want and not having to worry about places like bandcamp or soundcloud etc going away.

Once you have a website up and running, just find a cheap flash music player to play your music.
Sorry, not trying to hijack the thread but...

Have any of you guys built your studio website using Wordpress? I'd like to see some examples. Im thinking about building a site, but can't decide whether to just use something like wordpress, or a web hosting service and build it from scratch.

I dont have very much experience designing and coding websites.
Sorry, not trying to hijack the thread but...

Have any of you guys built your studio website using Wordpress? I'd like to see some examples. Im thinking about building a site, but can't decide whether to just use something like wordpress, or a web hosting service and build it from scratch.

I dont have very much experience designing and coding websites.

You still have to have your own domain and someone to host it to use wordpress. Wordpress is merely just a pre-designed program/layout for your website. It's designed to be a easy-to-use pre-designed blog for those that don't have experience designing a website, coding html and graphics, etc. You just install it on the back end (which places like godaddy will do for you for free) and then you're off and running and just have to edit images and tweak the layout if you like (but not necessary).

If you want a blog that is hosted by someone else for free, can be edited to use wordpress themes, but it's not as customizable and you still are subject to their advertisements.
Sorry, not trying to hijack the thread but...

Have any of you guys built your studio website using Wordpress? I'd like to see some examples. Im thinking about building a site, but can't decide whether to just use something like wordpress, or a web hosting service and build it from scratch.

I don't have very much experience designing and coding websites.

My website was built for me from a forum user(haven't seen him in a long time) and it utilizes wordpress. I LOVE it to pieces. It makes updating your website extremely easy! Register your own domain name and host with a site that has easy wordpress installation. Because if you create it with wordpress your site will be rather than which I'd much prefer. and I'd rather pay $7 a month hosting to have my web domain look more legit on business cards.

Here is my website for reference
Sorry, not trying to hijack the thread but...

Have any of you guys built your studio website using Wordpress? I'd like to see some examples. Im thinking about building a site, but can't decide whether to just use something like wordpress, or a web hosting service and build it from scratch.

I dont have very much experience designing and coding websites.

I built mine in wordpress. Nothing major, just the basics

I also host my own server this isnt on Its on my own server.
My website was built for me from a forum user(haven't seen him in a long time) and it utilizes wordpress. I LOVE it to pieces. It makes updating your website extremely easy! Register your own domain name and host with a site that has easy wordpress installation. Because if you create it with wordpress your site will be rather than which I'd much prefer. and I'd rather pay $7 a month hosting to have my web domain look more legit on business cards.

Here is my website for reference

REALLY like the look of your site. Very slick and professional looking.

I'd love to do something along that route.

Wouldn't mind paying a few $ to get it done either.
Wordpress is a great solution. I used to be more into web design stuff but lost interest. I was always looking for a way for the user to easily update their site without having to know html etc. Today's content management systems (CMS) like Drupal, Joomla, and Wordpress makes this a reality. After looking at all three of those, I tried Drupal first and then Wordpress won me over in the end. I put together the site for my current southern rock style project at I load the show list and music player from reverbnation so that my stats are tracked there.

Another tip if you want to be able to update your site easily is to use, very cool. I can update the main news/home page from my phone or email and it's easy as hell. I also use reverbnation to sync status updates to facebook, myspace, and twitter. There is a twitter feed on the main site that shows that info as well. Artistdata automatically posts status updates about upcoming shows and they show up on reverbnation, msypace, facebook, and twitter. So everything is almost automatic.
Wordpress is cool. Don't underestimate the value of learning how to do things properly or even paying a developer. I've seen it hundreds of times, people build a site and think that just because it looks good that it’s going to work. Building the site is about 10% of the work. It’s like creating a great restaurant with tasty food then sticking it out in the desert where no one can find it in the hope that someone is just going to stumble across it.