Wed 28th Jan - Netherlands, Tilburg - 013

He even said something about another songtitle with Battle, but we weren't supposed to know that one...

Wondering if he was referring to that old demo-era song "Taiston Tie (The Battle Path)" or if it's a new song...
reminds me on the thing he mistook Frankfurt for Hamburg for some reasons, and most of the band was kinda laughing, including the crowd XD
+1. Could you perhaps put the pic of Mathias with the beer can up here seperately so I can save it to my harddriverz [/haxor/stealzorzh] :P

lol @:

When some guys in the audience handed “Warlord” (Mathias Nygård) a true Dutch beer (a can of Hertog Jan), he was very thankful for that, took some sips and continued.

nice one, really like it :D read it in my free lesson, but then the pc died LOL

i love this one:
It shows commitment from the fans and shows your colours in a way. I think it is cool, I like it sometimes. Sometimes I feel bad, I hope they are not laughing at them on the streets and in metro’s. I mean, they must look like a bunch of freaks… At least we can stay backstage but they have to walk around like that all day. I appreciate it very strongly.

just reminds me on the time in Den Bosch in the theatre toilet when me and Petra got ouselves coloured XD XD