Wednesday CIIC, Midnight, EBS roll call!

We're more than stoked about this show. We hope to unhinge the top of The Loft so we can at least take partial credit for blowing the roof off the place.
Who else is gonna be in town on Wednesday for this show? I'm expecting a turnout of at least 400 souls, so please don't let us down, OK? You won't regret seeing this show, I can tell you that!:headbang:
we've been breaking on shows for about a month or so now to get ready for this show and I'd have to say if we're not ready by now then I don't know what the hell our problem is.
we've been breaking on shows for about a month or so now to get ready for this show and I'd have to say if we're not ready by now then I don't know what the hell our problem is.
You!:lol: You're a funny guy, you know that?:cool: People, EbS is gonna really rock your world on Wednesday night and also on 10/11, so don't y'all dare miss either show!:headbang::kickass:
Pre-ProgPower Paranoia is starting to creep in.

Haha! The very reason I went through that pile of crap on my desk the other day and decided to organize and put into one folder all of my PP tickets, hotel info, etc. I didn't want to get to Atlanta and hear Nick or I go "Oh shit, we forgot to buy tickets for [insert band we could not live without seeing here]."

See you all Wednesday night! Nick and I plus our friends Mike and Al!
I'm really looking forward to PP karaoke too! It'll be my first time to any karaoke ever! :headbang:
Hey everyone, we just wanted to once again express our excitement over this show. We're gonna have a blast up there and we all hope you join in the fun during our performance. To us this is a big stepping stone in our career and for all of you that will be in attendance to share it with us is a very special thing in our eyes.

Eclipsed By Sanity wishes everyone a safe and easy trip to the festival this year. We're getting together for a small rehearsal in a couple of hours so buckle up and raise the horns high--the best week(end) of the year starts tomorrow night and we'll be in gear and ready to kick this thing wide open into full throttle!
I have three tests this week: Wednesday (Organic Chemistry II), Thursday (Synthesis Lab), Friday (Kinetics/Reactor Design). There is just no way I can swing coming to Wednesday night (or Thursday night, for that matter) anymore. :(
Hey everyone, we just wanted to once again express our excitement over this show. We're gonna have a blast up there and we all hope you join in the fun during our performance. To us this is a big stepping stone in our career and for all of you that will be in attendance to share it with us is a very special thing in our eyes.

Eclipsed By Sanity wishes everyone a safe and easy trip to the festival this year. We're getting together for a small rehearsal in a couple of hours so buckle up and raise the horns high--the best week(end) of the year starts tomorrow night and we'll be in gear and ready to kick this thing wide open into full throttle!
Hell yeah! EbS is gonna kick it all off in grand style, too! Those of you that haven't yet heard this brilliant young ATL metal band are sure in for a VERY pleasant surprise and perhaps a rude metal awakening, as well.:lol::headbang::kickass:
just wait until you hear what EBS plans to end their amazing set of original music with. :OMG:

you'll just have to wait until the end of their set to witness it yourselves. :heh:

"Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds"?!?! :kickass:

Also, I have this ticket for a Wednesday night show at Center Stage. I guess I kinda have to go ...