weird copyright issue


Dec 2, 2006
New York, NY
ok so here's a weird one. i was working late at night at my studio editing and all of a sudden i realized i left my amp on as i during mixdowns and stuff i like to doodle on guitar or take quick jam breaks. so anyway out of nowhere this like christian radio station comes through the amp and the radio is playing. it's happened before but it was such a cool thing i decided to hit record real quick. so i recorded a good 30 minutes of two preachers on the radio like saying all this creepy shit. very very creepy.

there are a bunch of things i want to use because the recording came out so cool when i cranked the gain on the amp. it is like a super effect and it sounds cool. so i wanted to filter it more and create some loops and use it for this band i'm recording. problem is i have no idea what radio station or who it is....

sooo i mean what are the copyright laws here????
If i remember it right: If its not songs that are being played on the radio, its public domain.
I'm not sure though, so id let someone else confirm that first.
Well, Evergrey did something like that on The Inner Circle. There's no mention where it is from in the booklet, and they said in some interview something along the lines of: "We can't tell you because we might run into some problems."

I guess it's a little payback for all those people ringing your door and trying to sell their religion to you :lol: