new killswitch...


Hamster Style
Jun 19, 2005
ok, so i got the leak a few weeks ago and have been listening to it.. great fuckin' album... etc....

im' just about to head out for sushi and flip on the local rock radio station while i have a quick shave. What do they play on the radio? My Curse.

I have *never* heard kse on radio before... its mostly garbage like godsmack or even worse (if thats possible).

Maybe now people will buy more kse albums... i guess it will be good for album sales for em and exposure, and i'd love to see adam d with a ferarri and phat pad, but i dunno if I like the idea of hearing em get popular ass radio airplay.

oh well.... time to go get all loady on Sake balm's....
I'm selfish... I never want to hear bands like KSE on the radio except during metal hour. It's good for their wallet, but usually bad for the music.
i can agree with keiffer's point, but i like it when bands i like see success. When dimmu borgir had 2 of their songs in that movie hellboy's preview, i nearly peed myself in excitement. I even saw the movie just becasue of the 2 songs.
EtherForBreakfast said:
i dunno if I like the idea of hearing em get popular ass radio airplay.

I completely agree on this one. I'm not really worried about Killswitch losing their heads and turning to crap or anything, but if they were to get full-on mainstream radio rotation, it would kind of piss me off, because lumping KsE in with Godsmack/Papa Roach/Trapt would just feel wrong, like it would be a demeaning thing. And it would be obnoxious to hear every last mainstream radio listener talk about "this sweet new rawk band LOL they're almost as heavy as Seether!". I certainly wish KsE all the success that they're able to achieve, but I've always felt like the separation between mainstream and metal is a significant part of what helps make metal bands seem so legitimate.
imho with the new album they perfected the popmetal thing,
the masses are ready for this stuff - and it sounds awesome !
this is absolution rocks your socks off. i can really imagine adam d.
dancing and playin airguitar to this one in the control room haha.
edit: the album is killer, objectively speaking. and they have like
3 my last serenades on it, adams singing, overall arrangement.
this WILL sell big time. and i got no problem whatsoever with it.
Well put trym^^, I agree with everything you said - it's an awesome record, but pretending it's not mass-friendly would be plain hypocrisy!
GuitarGodgt said:
Fuck yeah sellout!

If they went real big, I wouldnt really agree with calling them sellout, because people these dayz get mixed up with the term sellout. Selling out is when your doing it just for the cash and thats it. Where as I can imagine KSE still enjoying there music, but making a bundle out of it. Which you cant really disagree, it aint bad. Your getting sucess and money from something you really enjoy. But of course I wouldnt want to seem them on fucking TRL or anything, that would be just plain fuckin gay.
chuck1703 said:
But of course I wouldnt want to seem them on fucking TRL or anything, that would be just plain fuckin gay.

This WILL happen. I'm sure of it.