New Killswitch Engage Studio Photos

Update from Mike D. (Bassist) taken from

"It has been a long time since I used 2" tape to record. As a matter of fact, I believe the last time was in 1996! But this is the way Producer, Brendan O'Brien operates .... OLD SKOOL. In January we all packed up and headed to Atlanta to record drums. The process went fairly smooth, drums were finished in a week and we were able to hang with our bros in Mastodon. Needless to say, many a drunken night was had and it was my distinct privilege to be thrown up on by my buddy Brent. A memory I will never, ever forget.

After much discussions, we decided to move everything back north for guitar and bass duties. At this point Zing Studios in Westfield, MA is like a second home to us. Fast forward a week later (after finishing some guitar rhythm tracks) and I step in for Bass recording. Fun stuff ... it felt like old times with Adam D at the helm of the Pro Tools rig. I finished up the last few bass fixes on Super Bowl Sunday at Adam D's home studio. Beers were flowing HEAVY for sure. Whew, what a relief to be done with my tracks. With the pressure off, it is now time for me to amerce myself in designing the layout for this record.

Currently, Howard is in Atlanta working with Brendon and Adam on vocals. It shouldn't be too much longer now."
Honestly, every time I've tried playing a Single Rec, I really have not liked it - IMO, it's very harsh/metallic sounding, while at the same time hard to get much good saturation out of it, cuz the more you turn up the gain, the worse the harshness gets. Also, the clips I've heard (most notably Insomnium's "Above the Weeping World," I think it's the left channel with a Cobra, also an amp I really don't like, on the right) support this.

+1 thought I was the only one that saw the light.

try to play super loud with lots of gain and the amp goes nuts with feedback.

not bad at bedroom volumes though
yeah, i'd shit my self if i had a parker
why does everyone hate them!

I owned a Parker Fly Deluxe that I had customized by Ed Roman. It had the cool factor, it had a lot of options, I put highly revered/custom Duncans that only few people have access to in it.

The bottom line...

It was not that great. It didn't feel like a guitar to me really. It had a strange oomph in the low end area that I did not like going through any amp I owned.

I liked my Joe Satriani Ibanez better (with Duncans in it, of course).

It left me for a Dual Rectifier Rackmount in early February. I'm very thankful for that.