Weird cubase problem


Anssi Tenhunen
I just noticed when I was doing the Holy Diver drums for the Dio tribute, that eventho I only had only two tracks, the audio (volume) sometimes dissappears and after a few seconds it returns. It is not depending on the play/stop status, I don't get any error notifications and this happens with both ProFire and the internal soundcard.

The tracks were one stereo audio track (that had warping tho) and one midi with the Kontakt Player and Steven Slate Drums EX

In the system meter the ASIO meter is less than 10% and the disk is showing one pixel width, and when the sound returns, the ASIO meter blinks once for a really brief moment to 100% and then returns to the original position and the disk nudges momentarily to something like 5%.

I have a brand new MacBook Pro and have installed the latest updates of both Kontakt player and Cubase. My main suspect is the Kontakt/SSD and that the system drive fails on performance, as Kontakt player, SSD and Cubase are all installed to the system drive on my Macbook pro, as it doesn't have any other internal drives.

Any thoughts and/or possible solutions?
I had this problem when I went from vst3 to 5. I tried everything and then basically went through and unistalled the plugins one by one and found a trial plugin I installed and used once in vst3 was causing the problem. I forgot to say I did a dry install first and it was still happening so hence the un installing approach. Thats all I have to offer for advice, just basically isolating the vsti's and vsts till you lose the spiking.