Weird Melodyne Issue

Feb 3, 2006
I keep having a strange problem with Melodyne. I use the Bridge version (rather than the plug in), and 90% of the time it works fine.

Just recently though, when I transfer a track to it, it copies it correctly (from a listening viewpoint) and splits the track up into segments fine, but it puts everything on one note in both the arrangement view and the track view. If I click on a section, it shows the right note/frequency at the top, and the preview is right, but they all sit on the same note in the grid.

If I then try to pitch correct the track, it moves each segment a bit (not onto another note, just sort of drifting between the main note and the ones immediately above and below it), and when you then play them back they're all wildy off-key.

It seems to be pretty random, as I can't recreate it deliberately, and it doesn't do it consistently on the same source track. Anyone got any ideas
what's going on?

I'm using Sonar 6 - and before anyone says it, it's a legal version and I have read the manual. Sadly it doesn't have a "When the program behaves like a cunt" section as far as I can see... :p

Thanks in advance!

it sometimes forgets, or goes to percussive, so change the algorithm to melodic, and select "always show note seperation"... i think. don't have it in front of me now.
You might have better luck stability wise with melodyne by consolidating the vocal tracks and importing them into melodyne as opposed to transfering via the bridge.
Then obviously turn on the bridge in your DAW and point it at the required track(s).

this is especially evident in songs with tempo changes. where its best to define them manually using the variable tempo editing tool
it sometimes forgets, or goes to percussive, so change the algorithm to melodic...

+1 Should be sorted when you change it back to the melodic algorithm.

I also had a weird problem with Melodyne (sorry to hijack). I'm not sure if anyone else experiences this, but it's once the the vocals(audio track) have been rendered into melodyne, certain transitions between certain notes are not as smooth as the origional track. It's not necessarily a pop or click but it sounds like it jumps almost like a bad cross fade.

Anyone else experience this?