weird phone conversation


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
so last night my friend melissa called me, you know the one who always calls me at midnight yadayadayada.

anyhoo, all of a sudden she starts telling me about how she read some survey that said on average europeans have sex over 100 times a year. this then segues into her venting to me about how much sex she is not getting from her husband. after she finishes her rant i just had to say:

"you know dude, you are really complaining to the WRONG person."

but i guess the good news is that since i really really liked her in college(to the point of misery when she shot me down) i was not feeling the least bit jealous or uncomfortable by this conversation which furthur proves to me that i am totally over her.

i always get really freaked out by people lamenting about not getting laid to me.

also, it's nice to get over her. good for you.
how positive!

i think the european-having-sex-100x-per-year number really drops if you factor out the instances of "gullible American girl doing a semester abroad PLUS slimy Italian/French/Spanish/Scandinavian eurotrash". it's really not fair to count them because there's no analogue here in the US.
You won't hear me, But you'll feel me
Without warning, something's dawning, listen.
Then within your senses,
You'll know you're defenseless
How your heart beats, when you run for cover
You can't retreat, I spy like no other.

Then we race together. We can ride forever.
Wrapped in horse-power, driving into fury
Changing gear I pull you tighter to me.

I'm your turbo lover.
Tell me there's no other.
I'm your turbo lover.
Better run for cover.

We hold each other closer, as we shift to overdrive
And everything goes rushing by, with every nerve alive
We move so fast it seems as though we've taken to the sky
Love machines in harmony, we hear the engines cry.

On and on we're charging to the place so many seek
In perfect synchronicity of which so many speak
We feel so close to heaven in this roaring heavy load
And then in sheer abandonment, we shatter and explode.
another gem from our conversation last night:

me: so will you come see Matt play on the 22nd?(matt was our guitar/bass teacher at school)

her: i want to but i would have to convince my husband and he doesn't like matt.

me: how can you hate matt? he is like the nicest guy in the world.

her: he(husband) doesn't like the way matt rode me in college...oh wait that didn't come out right.