Weird problem with the fireface 400 and nuendo... can't monitor.

Jun 2, 2005
Okay, i have got the fireface to work in windows.. which is a miracle really, since that would not work either to begin with.. but it's done.. everything runs smooth and it sounds good.

However.. when i go in nuendo, i can get it to play MIDI files and VST instruments like AD drums, EZ, and DFHS for example.

Next i wanted to try and record a guitar track through revalver or another guitaramp software simulator.
So i would do what i think i should do, guitar, cable, cable into RME front (INST/LINE), click the "monitor" button,it glows orange and im off right? right?

wrong... :lol:

What happens is, i hear a weak signal coming through, but not through nuendo.
It comes through the RME (totalmix) mixer it seems, i get no sound from nuendo, and it does not register any sound whatsoever.

I tried F4.. everything seems in check... i checked the device setup, it's set as the master ASIO, so i really dont know why it would not monitor incoming audio through nuendo... obviously the problem lies with a connection failure between the FF400 and nuendo, but i'll be damned if i can figure this out on my own for now.

Made some pics of the setup:




Any help would be cool and much appreciated!! it's probably something noobish and totally logical, but hell... im not seeing it at the moment. :p
Fucking hell, day three with this device and it still won't record!!

Anyone? im losing all my hair here.
Why does it say M Audio Delta in the first pic as the input ASIO driver when you are using the Fireface?

Shoot, that's a older pic from when i loaded up a project file from my older computer which had a M-audio card in it. :loco:
It says "Asio fireface stereo in" now.
This might be the problem?


in control panel/sounds, speech and audio devices, i cant seem to adjust the volume of the analog 3+4 channels as recording device, it's stuck on zero and it wont budge.
Damn Bob, this Fireface seems more trouble than its worth haha!

Probably all my fault though... but yeah, if i knew it would be this much trouble i would have probably gone with something else.. i hate not being able to do anything about it, you know? you can try what you want, set options, tick boxes on and off, reset, retry, reset again, retry again.. google is not helping out either.. si im kind of stuck now for a few days allready... all is setup the way it should be as well. which makes it extra frustrating.
I'll give it a few more days, if it's still fucked im selling and going with a easier solution.

Im hoping someone here had the same problem when they started out with a RME device or another interface like that.
Sadly I don't own the FF400 myself but fuck it ill offer some possible advice as if I were you, you may have already tried it. On the last pic page try setting the default device as input 1+2 same as your sound play back and put your guitar cable into either input 1 or 2 on your FF + restart the interface. This is the setup I use and it works so...maybe have a go and tell me it did fuck all :D As you said, it will be something so simple yet annoying!
The bottom section of faders in Totalmix is your outputs, so those two should be turned up I think? Might also try checking ASIO direct monitoring in Nuendo. Also looks like you have signal on input 4 on the FF but only have input 1+2 added in Nuendo.
You must turn up the Input channel gain in the Fireface Settings control panel ("Input Gain" tab). For DI signal I have it at +20 dB, and for a miced up home volume mic signal (SM57), I have it at around +25 dB if I remember.

For proper levels, just chug the loudest note (usually the 3rd fret on the thickest string, try a palm muted power chord) and adjust the gain until you can't see the red LED (clip) in the FF400 front panel.

Any help would be cool and much appreciated!! it's probably something noobish and totally logical, but hell... im not seeing it at the moment. :p[/quote]

In the mixer on the right, you have set up every channels phones levels. Go where PH L+R stands, and choose An 1+2
See if the An 1+2 faders are up then :)
Hey thanks a lot guys! once again this forum proves that it's one of the finest forums out there in cyberland!

I've also gotten a great PM from senseyete who helped me out a lot, i have gotten sound now.. now i have to set up the levels and stuff, as i do get different results from two different chains:

gibson -> POD XT -> M-audio card.. i did all of the TGM songs with that setup.
gibson -> POD XT -> RME FF 400.... different sound, much colder and less stereo it seems.

But hey, those are things that will be solved over time, hopefully.. for now im just glad i have got sound coming out the inputs for the first time in three days!

haha..Wyllie, you have a sharp eye for that stuff man! lol, the RME is cool and everything, but its far from plug and play if you are not used to these kind of interfaces.
Hey BOB how's the Fireface going for ya? give us an update

are u still hearing this
gibson -> POD XT -> M-audio card.. i did all of the TGM songs with that setup.
gibson -> POD XT -> RME FF 400.... different sound, much colder and less stereo it seems."

I would think that the RME would sound better than the M-audio but just plugging cool let us know
Hey BOB how's the Fireface going for ya? give us an update

are u still hearing this
gibson -> POD XT -> M-audio card.. i did all of the TGM songs with that setup.
gibson -> POD XT -> RME FF 400.... different sound, much colder and less stereo it seems."

I would think that the RME would sound better than the M-audio but just plugging cool let us know

Yeah, been working with and on the RME for the last 4 days.. yesterday it really started working properly, and besides having to fiddle around with levels and that kind of small stuff, it works now.

That being said, the problem you quoted might be still there.. keep in mind i probably changed a lot settings by now so things should be better.. i'll post a clip of this tonight or tomorrow, if the problem is still there.

Im thinking though, i probably picked the wrong channels, which makes it clip a bit and makes it sound colder, that or the cable im using from my POD XT to the RME has seen better days. :lol:
I'll test it all tonight or tomorrow, right now im installing all kinds of software on my new PC first.. sjees, DFHS1 just takes ages to install! o_O
Can't wait to see what you do with it Rob, I've had mine for a year and I'm still getting my head around all the features...

Haha.. that sounds promising! :p

We'll see how it goes.. i don't see myself doing that much better with the RME VS the M-audio.
Allthough i must say, i do like the extra options.. changing the buffer size on the fly, not having to worry about extra pre-amps (for now) etc.
It seems that it gives a bit more of a clear signal then the M-audio as well.. i suddenly notice things that i did not notice on my older PC with the old soundcard.
Okay, just did some testing.. cables are fine, that's not it.
And the tones im getting out my POD XT now with the RME, are defenitly colder, more sterile then with the M-audio card... i used the exact same patch, exact same settings, and yet it's quite a difference.

The tone just comes out pretty thin compared to the older recordings.

What i'll do now is record two tracks of POD XT, same patch on the PC with the M-audio card connected to it... after that i'll record the same riff, with the same settings on the PC with the RME device hooked on to it, if im not wrong and not doing something stupid, it should be quite a difference... to be continued...