Welcome, Borknagar!

Originally posted by Blackspirit
Ey, Fjell? You have any Solo?!
Ooopsi, this'll be the party thread in
this forum then, aye? >:oP Rock on! >:o)

Sure I have some Solo for you, and some eventyrbrus as well, if you'd like?!

Sure this'll be the party thread! A good forum needs a good party thread, and a thread welcoming Borknagar to UM is surely a good reason to party, eh?!! \,,/ :) \,,/
Hehe, two parties at once, drinking the shit out of you in both (not you, Blackspirit, of course), would mean a lot of :Puke: :goggly: , now wouldn't it....? L0L hehe.....
I am drinking beer now!!!!
AY AY AY!!! Party!! Yeah!
A party needs beer to me!

But the real party is tomorrow! This is just warming up!
Partying is a good way to get to know each other.... Which makes even another good reason to party (even though I always go on about never needing a special reason to party because any reason is a good reason...) :grin:
Oh, I bathed outside for the first time this year yesterday. Fully clothed and everything, in gym clothes. Wasn't really supposed to bath for real..... but it was rather slippery in the river..... :grin: It was fun, though, hehe :grin: And later at night, we had a party for a friend of mine who came home from the US after being there for a year. It was very nice seeing her again, and we had lots of fun!! :)
We should have a search engine with the fix search specs "mead" and "party".. then I wouldn't keep missing the fun :( Or, I could simply search for threads in which Morgana, Fjell and Gaunerin regularly post?! :grin:

*beheads a bottle of beer... dunno which sort, hardly matters*

Originally posted by Ziuwarian
We should have a search engine with the fix search specs "mead" and "party".. then I wouldn't keep missing the fun :( Or, I could simply search for threads in which Morgana, Fjell and Gaunerin regularly post?! :grin:

haha...looks like a get a new image on UM............as a party animal. Oh dear, you're expecting a bit too much...I'm far away from being one. Generally :grin: