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Hey i'm new here, Morgana Lefay has been a personal favorite for some time now, I guess i discovered them way back before Sanctified was released. I've always been amazed by charles voice and my favorite album is definetly "the secret doctrine"

So how many lefay band members post on the boards? and when will we hear some new material?

I didn't know of the band before about two years ago -- since then, though, they are at the top of my list. I would kinda prefer just a bit more of a "thrash tinge" to what they play, but consider I'm one of those raised on Bay Area Thrash... easy enough for me to get to good shows here, even still.
Sometimes, Lefay is what I would have wanted/expected from a post-And Justice... Metallica, musicwise. I can't figure out why, the power is there and the music is better than anything most metal is producing these days.
Charles' vox is great, the leads are great, sometimes I can even bang my head to the riffing.:rock:

I asked earlier about new material -- still up in the air from what I read.

insidethefall said:
Hey i'm new here, Morgana Lefay has been a personal favorite for some time now, I guess i discovered them way back before Sanctified was released. I've always been amazed by charles voice and my favorite album is definetly "the secret doctrine"

So how many lefay band members post on the boards? and when will we hear some new material?


I post here :) and we are working on new stuff...be patient please, as most of us are working out of town and we are just braking in a new bass player...shit takes time, I hope Ya'll understand, we are "free agents" right now and no pressure from labels, so we thought to take our time and make a really good album for Ya'll...hope that Ya'll can wait :)
Damn...that's great news that Lefay is back! One of my favorite bands has returned!

Korkil said:
I post here :) and we are working on new stuff...be patient please, as most of us are working out of town and we are just braking in a new bass player...shit takes time, I hope Ya'll understand, we are "free agents" right now and no pressure from labels, so we thought to take our time and make a really good album for Ya'll...hope that Ya'll can wait :)

Take all the time you need. I'm a patient person, and I'm sure the new material will kick serious ass! :grin:
